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Impact Tracking Database: Submission #423

Submission Number: 423
Submission ID: 47749
Submission UUID: d308be85-95f2-45d2-a030-04181de8084b
Submission URI: /impact-tracking

Created: Tue, 23/03/2021
Completed: Tue, 23/03/2021
Changed: Mon, 04/04/2022

Remote IP address:
Submitted by: rspaull
Language: English

Is draft: No

NRW Volksinitiative Artenvielfalt cites IPBES Global Assessment to Motivate for a Climate and Nature Strike

The NRW Volksinitiative Artenvielfalt ("biodiversity popular initiative" in the German State of North Rhine-Westphalia), supported by the Bund für Umwelt und Naturschutz Deutschland (BUND), the Landesgemeinschaft Naturschutz und Umwelt NRW (LNU) and the Naturschutzbund Deutschland (NABU) cited the IPBES Global Assessment in calling on social media for a "climate strike" - a public demonstration calling for action on climate change and biodiversity loss.
Global assessment (1st work programme)
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