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Parties to the Antarctic Treaty Issue Report Based on IPBES Science With Direct Policy Recommendations for Environmental Protection

At the 44th Antarctic Treaty Consultative Meeting (ATCM XLIV) held in Berlin, Germany, from 24 May to 2 June 2022, the Antarctic Treaty Consultative Parties recognised the important role of the Antarctic region in global climate processes, welcomed the Decadal Synopsis Report on Antarctic Climate Change and the Environment (ACCE report) by the Scientific Committee on Antarctic Research (SCAR), and showed concern about the effects and projected changes to Antarctic environments resulting from climate change outlined in the Decadal Synopsis.

The ACCE report was compiled by the Scientific Committee on Antarctic Research from the findings presented in the reports of the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change predominantly, and of the Intergovernmental Science-Policy Platform on Biodiversity and Ecosystem Services. SCAR acknowledged the contributions of all of those involved in the documents that form the basis of the synoptic report, in particular the thousands of contributors to and administrators of the IPCC and IPBES processes and the researchers whose work was cited either in those reports or in the ACCE report.

"The IPCC and IPBES reports form the substantive basis for the Antarctic and Southern Ocean synopsis compiled here. These reports, and their Summaries for Policymakers in particular, should be considered necessary background reading for full information on change that has already occurred, its attribution, and expectations for the future," states the ACCE publication.
Invasive alien species assessment, Global assessment (1st work programme)
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