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BNP Paribas Structures and Strengthens its Financing Policies and Commitments to Help Preserve Biodiversity Based on IPBES Studies and Issues a 'Position on Biodiversity'

The financial group stated that "to structure its actions and understand their impacts, the Group relies on studies by IPBES." Based on the 2019 IPBES Global Assessment and other IPBES findings and calls for action, particularly the pressures on biodiversity listed by IPBES, the group claims that it is "is diversifying and strengthening its actions as a leading economic player, as well as through collective actions." BNP Paribas issued a 'Position on Biodiversity', committing to (1) "reduction of pressures related to the activity of its customers and companies in which the Group invests, through constructive dialogue and supervision of our credit and investment activities"; (2) "active support to [its] clients' efforts to preserve biodiversity, through specific financial products and services (SLL, green bonds, etc.)"; (3) "[orient] investments towards funds aiming at preserving biodiversity"; and (4) "[reduce the Group's direct impacts on biodiversity," among other significant commitments].
Global assessment (1st work programme), Policy support tools and methodologies (2nd work programme), Stakeholder engagement
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