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Norwegian Climate and Environment Minister Sveinung Rotevatns Prominently Cites IPBES Global Assessment in Speech at 2021 National Park Conference on National and International Biodiversity Agenda

In a speech by the Norwegian Climate and Environment Minister Sveinung Rotevatns at the 2021 Norwegian National Park Conference, Minister Rotevatns discussed the IPBES Global Assessment at length, setting the scene for four key ways in which Norway is "paving the way forward."

"- Firstly, the binding agreement Norway has with the EU to achieve the climate goals by 2030 and meet the annual climate budget starts. We must increase CO2 uptake in forests and areas and reduce emissions to get there.

- Secondly, the current global goals for biodiversity - Aichi goals - will be replaced by new global goals for preserving nature and using it in a sustainable way.

- Thirdly , we are entering the decisive decade where we will reach the sustainability goals for the UN in 2030.

- Fourth, the UN's decade of nature restoration begins."

Global assessment (1st work programme), Policy support tools and methodologies (1st work programme)
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