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Regional Assessment Experts


Name Role Nominating government/organisation Nationality(ies) Affiliation ORCID Identifier
Awang Noor Abd Ghani Scoping expert 马来西亚 马来西亚
Universiti Putra Malaysia
Lilibeth Acosta Scoping expert DIVERSITAS 菲律宾
Global Green Growth Institute ORCID logo 0000-0002-0733-3751
Nur Azura Adam Scoping expert 马来西亚 马来西亚
Universiti Putra Malaysia
Çiğdem Adem Scoping expert IPBES Secretariat 土耳其
Middle East Technical University
Kossi Adjonou Scoping expert 多哥 多哥
University of Lome
Luis Fernando Aguirre Scoping expert 多民族玻利维亚国 多民族玻利维亚国
Centro de Biodiversidad y Genética, Universidad Mayor de San Simón
Amani Al Assaf Scoping expert The University of Jordan 约旦
University of Jordan- Shcool of Agriculture ORCID logo 0000-0003-2482-535X
Nevena Alexandrova Scoping expert Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO) 保加利亚
Assistant Director General of FAO, Regional Office for Europe and Central Asia
Saleem Ali Scoping expert 巴基斯坦 巴基斯坦
University of Delaware and UN International Resource Panel ORCID logo 0000-0002-2943-9557
Jose Rafael Almonte Perdomo Scoping expert 多米尼加 多米尼加
Ministry of Environment and Natural Resources
Luciano Andriamaro Scoping expert 马达加斯加 马达加斯加
Conservation International ORCID logo 0009-0002-4203-5351
Mourad Arabi Scoping expert 阿尔及利亚 阿尔及利亚
Institut National de recherche forestière
Emma Archer Scoping expert 南非 南非
University of Pretoria ORCID logo 0000-0002-5374-3866
Achille Ephrem Assogbadjo Scoping expert 贝宁 贝宁
University of Abomey-Calavi
Teshome Soromesa Aurgessa Scoping expert 埃塞俄比亚 埃塞俄比亚
Addis Ababa UNiversity
Anne-Gaelle Ausseil Scoping expert 新西兰 法国
Ministry for the Environment ORCID logo 0000-0001-8923-0774
Gunnar Austrheim Scoping expert 挪威 挪威
Norwegian University of Science and Technology
Mikhail Bagaturov Scoping expert Zoological Institute of the Russian Academy of Sciences 俄罗斯联邦
Leningrad zoo; Zoological Institute RAS, St. Petersburg, Russia/ Insect Taxo Lab.
Francisco Barbaran Scoping expert National Universityof Salta Instituteof Economic Research 阿根廷
Argentina's National Research Council
Zsófia Benedek Scoping expert 匈牙利 匈牙利
Institute of Economics, Centre for Economic and Regional Studies ORCID logo 0000-0003-3358-0702
Reinette Biggs Scoping expert DIVERSITAS 南非
Stellenbosch University
Maka Bitsadze Scoping expert 格鲁吉亚 格鲁吉亚
Ministry of Environment Protection and Natural Resources of Georgia
Sally Bunning Scoping expert IPBES Secretariat 大不列颠及北爱尔兰联合王国
FAO, Food and Agriculture Organization
Mercedes Bustamante Scoping expert 巴西 巴西
University of Brasília
Francisco Javier Castañeda Moya Scoping expert IPBES Secretariat 危地马拉
Center for Conservation Studies
Louis Celliers Scoping expert 南非 南非
Marta Coll Monton (ecopath) Scoping expert 法国
Ecopath International Initiative Research Organization
Neville Crossman Scoping expert 澳大利亚 澳大利亚
Flinders University ORCID logo 0000-0002-8002-3450
Andrea Cruz Angón Scoping expert 墨西哥 墨西哥
Hamid Čustović Scoping expert 波斯尼亚和黑塞哥维那 波斯尼亚和黑塞哥维那
University of Sarajevo, Faculty of Agriculture and Food Science - Institute of Soil Science
Dedy Darnaedi Scoping expert Group on Earth Observations Biodiversity Observation Network – GEO BON 印度尼西亚
Indonesian Institute of Sciences
Jocelyn Davies Scoping expert 澳大利亚 澳大利亚
Kirsten Davies Scoping expert DIVERSITAS 澳大利亚
Macquarie University, Macquarie Law School ORCID logo 0000-0002-6940-4359
Mary T. Kalin De Arroyo Scoping expert 智利 新西兰
Universidad de Chile
Fabrice DeClerck Scoping expert Bioversity International 比利时
Bioversity International/CGIAR ORCID logo 0000-0002-3631-8745
Aisha Elfaki Scoping expert Animal Resources Research Organization 苏丹
Ministry of Animal Resources ,Animal Resources Research Corpo, Wildlife Research Center
Thomas Elmqvist Scoping expert The Royal Swedish Academy of Sciences 瑞典
Stockholm University
Markus Fischer Scoping expert 瑞士 瑞士
University of Bern
Nikolai Friberg Scoping expert Norwegian Institute for Water Research 丹麦
Norwegian Institute for Water Research
Christine Fuerst Scoping expert 德国 德国
Martin Luther-University Halle
Prudence Tangham Galega Scoping expert 喀麦隆 喀麦隆
Ministry of Environment, Protection of Nature and Sustainable Development
Kelly Garbach Scoping expert 美利坚合众国 美利坚合众国
Keisha Garcia Scoping expert 特立尼达和多巴哥 特立尼达和多巴哥
Jaime Ricardo Garcia Marquez Scoping expert 哥伦比亚 哥伦比亚
Humboldt University
Alfredo Arnoldo Garcia Vasquez Scoping expert IPBES Secretariat 危地马拉
Natural Resources management at 48 Cantones
Oleg Guchgeldiyev Scoping expert 格鲁吉亚 土库曼斯坦
Institute of Deserts, Flora and Fauna
Edgar E. Gutierrrez Espeleta Scoping expert 哥斯达黎加 哥斯达黎加
University of Costa Rica
Kwame Hackman Scoping expert 加纳 加纳
WASCAL ORCID logo 0000-0002-2201-9314
Elizabeth Hadly Scoping expert International Union of Biological Sciences (IUBS) 美利坚合众国
Stanford University
Patrick Halpin Scoping expert Group on Earth Observations Biodiversity Observation Network – GEO BON 美利坚合众国
Duke University
Khaled Allam Harhash Scoping expert 埃及 埃及
Nature Conservation Sector, Ministry of Environment ORCID logo 0000-0001-9107-3851
James Harris Scoping expert 南非 大不列颠及北爱尔兰联合王国
Cranfield University ORCID logo 0000-0001-9266-4979
Shizuka Hashimoto Scoping expert 日本 日本
University of Tokyo ORCID logo 0000-0003-4423-9374
Geoffrey Hicks Scoping expert 新西兰 新西兰
National Commission UNESCO NZ
Yi Huang Scoping expert 中国 中国
Centre of Environmental Sciences, Peking University
Victor Hugo Inchausty Beltran Scoping expert International Union for Conservation of Nature (IUCN) 多民族玻利维亚国
International Union for Conservation of Nature (IUCN), South America
Dušan Jelic Scoping expert 克罗地亚 克罗地亚
Croatian Institute for biodiversity ORCID logo 0000-0003-2790-1522
Ganesh Joshi Scoping expert 尼泊尔 尼泊尔
Visiting Professor, Central Department of Environmental Science, Tribhuvan University, Nepal ORCID logo 0000-0001-3705-0335
Rahanna Juman Scoping expert IPBES Secretariat 特立尼达和多巴哥
Institute of Marine Affairs
Taku Kadoya Scoping expert 日本 日本
National Institute for Environmental Stuides
Alptekin Karagöz Scoping expert 土耳其 土耳其
Ministry of Agriculture
Md Saiful Karim Scoping expert 澳大利亚 澳大利亚
University of Southern Queensland ORCID logo 0000-0003-4183-0505
Aventino Kasangaki Scoping expert Group on Earth Observations Biodiversity Observation Network – GEO BON 乌干达
Kabale University ORCID logo 0000-0002-9762-4666
Ádám Kertész Scoping expert 匈牙利 匈牙利
Geographical Institute, Research Center for Astronomy and Earth Sciences
Fred Kizito Scoping expert International Center for Tropical Agriculture 乌干达
International Center for Tropical Agriculture (CIAT)
Mikhail Kozlov Scoping expert 芬兰 芬兰
University of Turku
Linda L. Langner Scoping expert 美利坚合众国 美利坚合众国
U.S. Forest Service, Research and Development
Sandra Lavorel Scoping expert 法国 法国
Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique (CNRS)
Szabolcs Lengyel Scoping expert 匈牙利 匈牙利
Hungarian Academy of Sciences, Centre for Ecological Research ORCID logo 0000-0002-7049-0100
Juan Pablo Lozoya Azcárate Scoping expert 乌拉圭 乌拉圭
University of the Republic
Georgina Mace Scoping expert 大不列颠及北爱尔兰联合王国 大不列颠及北爱尔兰联合王国
University College London ORCID logo 0000-0001-8965-5211
Berta Martin Lopez Scoping expert 西班牙 西班牙
Leuphana University, Faculty of Sustainability ORCID logo 0000-0003-2622-0135
Matías Mastrangelo Scoping expert 阿根廷 阿根廷
National Research and Technology Council of Argentina (CONICET), Universidad de Mar del Plata, Inter-American Institute for Global Change Research ORCID logo 0000-0002-3049-3534
Simone Maynard Scoping expert 澳大利亚 澳大利亚
IUCN Commission on Ecosystem Management
Suneetha Mazhenchery Subramanian Scoping expert United Nations University 印度
UNU-Institute for the Advanced Study of Sustainability ORCID logo 0000-0003-2516-2412
Rodrigo Moreno Villamil Scoping expert 哥伦比亚 哥伦比亚
The Alexander von Humboldt Institute for Research on Biological Resources
Pablo Munoz Scoping expert DIVERSITAS 智利
United Nations University
Brett Murphy Scoping expert 澳大利亚 澳大利亚
University of Melbourne
Mduduzi Ndlovu Scoping expert 南非 津巴布韦
University of the Free State
Krzysztof Niedzialkowski Scoping expert 格鲁吉亚 波兰
Mammal Research Institute Polish Academy of Sciences
Elena Nikolaeva Scoping expert International Union for Conservation of Nature (IUCN) 俄罗斯联邦
Environmental Education Center Zapovedniks
Ruslan Novitsky Scoping expert IPBES Secretariat 白俄罗斯
National Academy of Sciences of Belarus
Francis Nwosu Scoping expert 尼日利亚 尼日利亚
University of Calabar
Satoru Okubo Scoping expert 日本 日本
Institute for Agro-Environmental Sciences, NARO ORCID logo 0000-0002-3736-513X
Gunilla Almered Olsson Scoping expert 瑞典 瑞典
University of Gothenburg
Jean Pierre Ometto Scoping expert 巴西 巴西
National Institute for Space Research
Chioma Onyige Scoping expert DIVERSITAS 尼日利亚
Department of Sociology, University of Port Harcourt ORCID logo 0000-0001-7850-2041
Krishna Chandra Paudel Scoping expert 尼泊尔 尼泊尔
Kathmandu Forestry College
Henrique Pereira Scoping expert International Social Science Council (ISSC) 葡萄牙
Group on Earth Observations Biodiversity Observation Network (GEO-BON) ORCID logo 0000-0003-1043-1675
Anjum Perveen Scoping expert 巴基斯坦 巴基斯坦
University of Karachi
Haris Piplas Scoping expert 波斯尼亚和黑塞哥维那
ETH Zurich (Swiss Federal Institute of Technology)
Gabrielle Lalanirina Rajoelison Scoping expert 马达加斯加 马达加斯加
University of Antananarivo; Ecole Supérieure des Sciences Agronomiques. Département Eaux et Forêts
Belinda Reyers Scoping expert 南非 南非
Future Africa, University of Pretoria ORCID logo 0000-0002-2194-8656
Cecile Richard Hansen Scoping expert 法国 法国
Vanesa Rodriguez Osuna Scoping expert Center for Development Research (ZEF) University of Bonn 多民族玻利维亚国
UNEP Finance Initiative
Mark Rounsevell Scoping expert 大不列颠及北爱尔兰联合王国 大不列颠及北爱尔兰联合王国
Karlsruhe Institute of Technology
Baris Salihoglu Scoping expert 土耳其 土耳其
Institute of Marine Sciences, Middle East Technical University
Odd Terje Sandlund Scoping expert 挪威 挪威
Norwegian Institute for Nature Research (NINA)
Fabio Scarano Scoping expert 巴西 巴西
Universidade Federal do Rio de Janeiro ORCID logo 0000-0003-3355-9882
Eduardo Secchi Scoping expert International Union for Conservation of Nature (IUCN) 巴西
Universidade Federal do Rio Grande
Anton Shkaruba Scoping expert 格鲁吉亚 白俄罗斯
Estonian University of Life Sciences ORCID logo 0000-0003-2536-2123
Cristiana Simao Seixas Scoping expert 巴西 巴西
University of Campinas ORCID logo 0000-0002-4464-2094
Pawan Singh Scoping expert International Union for Conservation of Nature (IUCN) 印度
EES Pvt Ltd
Uma Rani Sinniah Scoping expert 马来西亚 马来西亚
Universiti Putra Malaysia
Isabel Sousa Pinto Scoping expert 葡萄牙 葡萄牙
Biology Department of the Faculty of Science of the University of Porto and Ciimar ORCID logo 0000-0002-9231-0553
Lilian Chua Swee Lian Scoping expert 马来西亚 马来西亚
Forest Research Institute Malaysia
Ayfer Tan Scoping expert 土耳其 土耳其
Ministry of food agriculture and livestock
Kasim Tatic Scoping expert IPBES Secretariat 波斯尼亚和黑塞哥维那
School of Business and Economics, University Sarajevo
Ben Ten Brink Scoping expert 荷兰 荷兰
PBL-Netherlands Environmental Assessment Agency
Olivier Thebaud Scoping expert 法国 法国
IFREMER ORCID logo 0000-0001-8665-3827
San Thwin Scoping expert 缅甸 缅甸
University of Forestry and Environmental Conservation
Murat Türkes Scoping expert 土耳其 土耳其
Çanakkale Onsekiz Mart University
Sergey Venevsky Scoping expert Tsinghua University 德国
Center for Earth System Sciences, Tsinghua University
Peter Verburg Scoping expert DIVERSITAS 荷兰
VU University Amsterdam ORCID logo 0000-0002-6977-7104
Amjad Virk Scoping expert 巴基斯坦 巴基斯坦
Wildlife Conservation Society-Paksitan
Piero Visconti Scoping expert 大不列颠及北爱尔兰联合王国 意大利
University College London/Zoological Society of London
Wenjie Wang Scoping expert 中国 中国
Chinese Research Academy of Environmental Sciences
Bing Wang Scoping expert 中国 中国
Chinese Academy of Forestry
John James Wilson Scoping expert 加拿大 大不列颠及北爱尔兰联合王国
University of Malaya
Bettina Wolfgramm Scoping expert 瑞士 瑞士
University of Bern, Centre for Development and Environment (CDE)
Henry Wüstemann Scoping expert 德国 德国
Chair in Landscape Economics, TU Berlin, Germany
Tetsukazu Yahara Scoping expert 日本 日本
Graduate School of Sciences, Kyushu University
María Elena Zaccagnini Scoping expert 阿根廷 阿根廷
Instituto Nacional de Tecnología Agropecuaria
Ivan Zambrana Flores Scoping expert 多民族玻利维亚国 多民族玻利维亚国
Plurinational Authority of Mother Earth
Goran Zdunic Scoping expert Institute for Adriatic Crops and Karst Reclamation 克罗地亚
Institute for Adriatic Crops and Karst Reclamation
András Zlinszky J. Scoping expert 匈牙利 匈牙利
Centre for Ecological Research, Hungarian Academy of Sciences