WWF Malaysia Examines Malaysian Banks Public Sustainability Disclosures Against Climate & Biodiversity Criteria Using IPBES Studies as Reference
Following UNFCCC COP28 in 2023, WWF Malaysia has researched the public sustainability disclosures of Malaysian banks against a set of transparent climate and biodiversity criteria. The results show increasing maturity of bank efforts to recoginse and integrate sustainability into their strategies but also reveals gaps for a just transition. They urge Malaysian banks to sign both the Principles of Responsible Banking (PRB) and the Science-based Targets Initiative (SBTi). While Malaysian banks have exhibited familiarity with climate-related risks and aligned themselves with Task Force on Climate-related Financial Disclosure (TCFD) frameworks, the global consensus on a new challenge relates to the exploration of nature-related risks. Studies conducted by the Intergovernmental Science-Policy Platform on Biodiversity and Ecosystem Services (IPBES) provide references to what should be done. A bank in France has demonstrated such a proactive approach by referencing studies conducted by IPBES.
Conceptual framework, Global assessment (1st work programme), Nature’s Contributions to People (NCP)