Overview of topics arising from Ch.4 of the assessment and actions recommended.
Clarification of the meaning of "degradation" - frequently referred to as "it" in socioeconomic literature and policy - without recognition of its many types which differ in their characteristics. Recognition of the range of biophysical processes initiated by humans. Differentiation and attribution of joint and separate effects of humans and natural, environmental factors. Methods for detection and monitoring. Understanding of the implications of differences in scale of processes and detection - spatial and temporal. Recognition of the ecological processes involved that are the actual interface with ecosystem services, beyond specific human actions. Harmonization of terminology of biophysical aspects of each anthropogenic driver, including multiple states of degradation (6 used in the IPBES LDRA), appropriate baselines (5 types used in LDRA LDRA), indices used to quantify degradation. Forecasting of probable future conditions. Need for routine, global monitoring using identical techniques.