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Better understanding of various enabling institutions and governance for avoiding land degradation, and restoring land

Posted by secretariat on
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Last seen 14/09/2023
Joined 05/11/2015

Major knowledge gaps are:

  • Methods for internalizing the environmental and social costs of unsustainable production practices into commodity prices, and the allocation of such costs to different stages of production, processins and consumption in the life cycle of a product
  • Effectiveness of mechanisms for raising awareness and influencing the behaviour of actors across all stages of supply chains in ways that can improve the sustainability of traded commodities
  • Methods for internalizing the environmental and social costs of unsustainable production practices into commodity prices, and the allocation of such costs to different stages of production, processins and consumption in the life cycle of a product
  • Enabling conditions in terms of technical capacities, technologies, data and information access, knowledge sharing, decision support tools and institutional competencies
  • Methods and tools for achieving a more inclusive understanding of the short, medium and long-term monetary and non-monetary implications of various approaches to the restoration of degraded land.