Call for offers to host the technical support unit for the IPBES spatial planning assessment - deadline is 15 October 2024
Dear IPBES members, observers and other interested stakeholders,
The IPBES Plenary, in decision IPBES-10/1, approved the undertaking of a fast-track methodological assessment of integrated biodiversity-inclusive spatial planning and ecological connectivity (“spatial planning assessment”) as outlined in the scoping report for the assessment in annex II to this decision.
In the same decision, the Plenary requested the secretariat, in consultation with the Bureau and in accordance with the approved budget set out in the annex to decision IPBES-10/3, to establish the institutional arrangements necessary to implement the technical support required for the work programme.
I am pleased to herewith invite Governments and relevant organizations to submit their offers to host the technical support unit for the spatial planning assessment.
As stated in the rolling work programme up to 2030 of IPBES, technical support for the implementation of the work programme is provided by the secretariat and, for some of the objectives, complemented by a technical support unit, as appropriate. The secretariat issues open calls for expressions of interest in providing technical support, including in-kind support from Governments and other stakeholders, for the establishment of these units. The most suitable institutions will be selected by the Bureau and will work under the authority of the Executive Secretary (see annex I to decision IPBES-7/1).
For further details, please see the offer template provided here. Interested Governments or relevant organizations are invited to submit the offer by 15 October 2024, 6 p.m. (Central European Time) to the secretariat at: [email protected], enclosing the following documents:
- an offer, prepared in accordance with the template provided here;
- an application form, using the template provided here;
- a copy of the certificate of registration of the entity which will host the technical support unit; and
- a copy of the latest audited financial statement of the entity which will host the technical support unit.
The host institution of the technical support unit will be selected by the IPBES Bureau, and institutional arrangements subsequently put in place in accordance with the applicable rules and procedures of the United Nations Environment Programme.
I thank you in advance for your continued support to IPBES.
Yours sincerely,
Dr Anne Larigauderie | Executive Secretary
Intergovernmental Science-Policy Platform on Biodiversity and Ecosystem Services (IPBES)