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Collaborative partnership arrangement to establish an institutional link between the Plenary of IPBES and UNEP, UNESCO, FAO and UNDP


In its decision IPBES-2/8, the Plenary of IPBES approved the collaborative partnership arrangement to establish an institutional link between the Plenary of IPBES and the United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP), the United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (UNESCO), the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO) and the United Nations Development Programme (UNDP), available here.

The collaborative partnership arrangement acknowledges the role of UNEP, UNESCO, FAO and UNDP, in the development and establishment of IPBES, and the relevance of their respective mandates and programmes of work to the functions of IPBES. The aim of the institutional link created between the Platform and these United Nations entities was to provide a collaborative framework whereby:

  1. The partners coordinate relevant activities and cooperate in areas related to the functions of the Platform;
  2. Dedicated capacity and secondments or otherwise assigned staff are made available by the organizations to support the secretariat of the Platform;
  3. Technical and programmatic support is provided by the organizations to support implementation of the work programme of the Platform;
  4. Joint fundraising is undertaken to enable the activities of the Platform to be implemented; and
  5. The communications activities of the Platform are supported by the communications capacity of the organizations.

UNEP, UNESCO, FAO and UNDP provide a report on their support to IPBES to the Plenary at each session:

  • IPBES/10/INF/19: Progress report on the United Nations collaborative partnership arrangement at IPBES 10
  • IPBES/9/INF/25: Progress report on the United Nations collaborative partnership arrangement at IPBES 9
  • IPBES/8/INF/23: Progress report on the United Nations collaborative partnership arrangement at IPBES 8
  • IPBES/7/INF/12: Progress report on the United Nations collaborative partnership arrangement at IPBES 7
  • IPBES/6/INF/24: Progress report on the United Nations collaborative partnership arrangement at IPBES 6
  • IPBES/5/INF/18: Progress report on the United Nations collaborative partnership arrangement at IPBES 5
  • IPBES/4/INF/19: Progress report on the United Nations collaborative partnership arrangement at IPBES 4
  • IPBES/3/INF/14: Progress report on the United Nations collaborative partnership arrangement at IPBES 3