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Capacity-building mandate


The work on capacity-building aims to adress the following objectives in the rolling work programme up to 2030 of the Intergovernmental Science-policy Platform on Biodiversity and Ecosystem Services:

Objective 2 building capacity: To build capacities of individuals and institutions for a strengthened science-policy interface for biodiversity and ecosystem services. The achievement of this objective is supported by the three components of the capacity-building rolling plan, which applies to ongoing and future activities of the work programme:

(a) Enhanced learning and engagement. The objective includes the continuation of the fellowship programme and of the training and familiarization programme, including through webinars and other online resources, guides, learning materials, workshops, training and dialogues for actors in the science-policy interface facilitated by IPBES. The objective will be implemented by IPBES, in collaboration with other actors where relevant;

(b) Facilitated access to expertise and information. The objective will further promote the uptake of the work programme objectives and deliverables and develop communities of practice around them. Efforts will focus on approved assessments and objectives and deliverables related to policy support tools and methodologies, knowledge and data, and Indigenous and local knowledge. This objective will largely be implemented by strategic partners and collaborative supporters;

(c) Strengthened national and regional capacities. This objective includes efforts to encourage the development of science-policy platforms, networks and assessments for biodiversity and ecosystem services at the national and (sub)regional levels, such as facilitation of the development of guidance for such initiatives. Strengthening the role of national focal points is also key to enhancing national capacities in the science-policy interface. IPBES will draw strongly on the experience of strategic partners and collaborative supporters to implement this objective. Direct technical and financial support for the enhancement of national and regional capacities will be sought from strategic and relevant partners other than IPBES.

General terms of reference for all task forces

In carrying out its work, each task force will:

(a) Ensure that all its activities draw on, build on and complement existing experience;

(b) Perform activities that specifically address the relevant prioritized topics and objectives set out in the rolling work programme up to 2030, in support of the overall objective and four functions of IPBES;

(c) Provide a regular progress report and, in consultation with the Multidisciplinary Expert Panel and the Bureau, develop and update a workplan that sets out clear milestones and deliverables with regard to the relevant topics and objectives of the rolling work programme up to 2030 for periodic consideration by the Plenary;

(d) Advise the Bureau and the Multidisciplinary Expert Panel on issues pertaining to its mandate across the rolling work programme up to 2030;

(e) Advise the Bureau on the identification of new strategic partners and collaborative supporters; and

(f) Encourage the direct involvement of its members, as appropriate, in activities of other IPBES task forces and expert groups to foster the coherent implementation of the rolling work programme up to 2030 through the four functions of IPBES.

Terms of reference for the task force on capacity-building


The task force on capacity-building will oversee and take part in the implementation of the three deliverables under objective 2 of the rolling work programme up to 2030 and act in accordance with relevant decisions by the Plenary and its subsidiary bodies, including by: building on lessons learned in the implementation of deliverables 1 (a) and 1 (b) of the first work programme; and guiding the secretariat, including the dedicated technical support unit, in implementing the capacity-building rolling plan, which frames the work under objective 2, and in reporting to Plenary on progress made.


The task force will comprise up to 14 members covering the five United Nations regions, including: (a) up to 4 members of the Bureau and the Multidisciplinary Expert Panel; (b) representatives of qualified national, regional and international scientific organizations, centres of excellence and institutions, including experts on Indigenous and local knowledge, which are known for their work and expertise on issues related to the mandate of the task force and are existing or prospective partners or collaborative supporters in the capacity-building activities of IPBES; and (c) recognized individual experts, including Indigenous and local knowledge experts, on matters related to the mandate of the task force.

Members other than those from the Bureau and the Multidisciplinary Expert Panel will be selected in accordance with the procedures for the preparation of IPBES deliverables. The term of office of these members will expire at the end of the third session following their selection, with the possibility of re-election. The selection of members should reflect the need for continuity in the work of the task force. 

At the discretion of the co-chairs of the task force and following consultation with the Bureau, a limited number of additional experts on capacity-building may also be invited to participate in the task force as resource persons.

Modus operandi

The task force will be co-chaired by members of the Bureau and/or the Multidisciplinary Expert Panel. The task force will work through face-to-face meetings, web-based meetings and other electronic interaction. Products of the task force will be reviewed by the Bureau and the Panel and forwarded to the Plenary for its information and consideration, as appropriate. The task force will foster collaboration with strategic partners and collaborative supporters under the guidance of the Bureau.

The task force will be supported by the secretariat, including a dedicated technical support unit.

IPBES Priority capacity-building needs

The following priority capacity-building needs have been agreed upon by the IPBES Plenary.

Capacity need categories Needs identified by Governments and other stakeholders Potential source of support Notes
Trust fund Matchmaking facility
1. Enhance the capacity to participate effectively in implementing the Platform work programme 1.1 Develop the capacity for effective participation in the Platform regional and global assessments x x Priority for the Platform trust fund, largely delivered through the fellowship, exchange and training programme
Supplemented through the Platform matchmaking facility
1.2 Develop the capacity for effective participation in the Platform thematic assessments x x
1.3 Develop the capacity for effective participation in the Platform methodological assessments and for the development of policy support tools and methodologies x x
1.4 Develop the capacity for monitoring national and regional participation in the implementation of the Platform work programme, and responding to deficiencies identified x  
2. Develop the capacity to carry out and use national and regional assessments 2.1 Develop the capacity to carry out assessments, including on different initiatives, methodologies and approaches x x Priority for the Platform matchmaking facility
2.2 Develop the capacity among policymakers and practitioners for the use of assessment findings in policy development and decision-making x x
2.3 Develop the capacity to develop and use non-market-based methods of valuing biodiversity and ecosystem services x x
2.4 Develop the capacity to assess specific priority habitats and ecosystems, including ecosystems that cross ecological and political boundaries x x
2.5 Develop the capacity to develop and effectively use indicators in assessments   x
2.6 Develop the capacity to value and assess management options and effectiveness x x
2.7 Develop the capacity to retrieve and use all relevant data, information and knowledge x x
2.8 Develop the capacity to introduce different worldviews and Indigenous and local knowledge systems into the different assessments   x
3. Develop the capacity to locate and mobilize financial and technical resources 3.1 Develop the institutional capacity to locate and mobilize financial and technical resources x x Pilot project(s) through the Platform matchmaking facility
3.2 Develop the capacity for clearly communicating capacity-building needs to potential providers of financial and technical support   x
3.3 Develop the capacity to identify current investments as well as the gap between identified needs and available resources for the effective strengthening of the science-policy interface on biodiversity and ecosystem services   x
3.4 Develop the capacity to mobilize the institutional and technical resources to manage data and knowledge for the effective monitoring of biodiversity and ecosystem services (x)  
4.1 Develop the capacity for improved access to data, information and knowledge, including its capture, generation, management and use (including Indigenous and local knowledge and knowledge from participatory science, social networks and large volumes of data) (x) x
4.2 Develop the capacity to gain access to data, information and knowledge managed by internationally active organizations and publishers   x  
4. Improve the capacity for access to data, information and knowledge (including the experience of others) 4.3 Develop the capacity for enhancing collaboration among research institutions and policymakers at the national and regional levels, in particular for encouraging multidisciplinary and cross-sectoral approaches x x  
4.4 Develop the capacity for the conversion of scientific and social assessments of biodiversity and ecosystem services into a format easily understood by policymakers x x
4.5 Develop the effective capacity to promote an interscientific dialogue between different world views, modern science and Indigenous and local knowledge systems, including by facilitating the effective engagement of Indigenous and local communities, scientists and policymakers x x
4.6 Develop the capacity to gain access to and use technologies and networks that support biodiversity taxonomy, monitoring and research   x
5. Develop the capacity for enhanced and meaningful multi-stakeholder engagement 5.1 Develop the capacity for effective engagement of stakeholders in assessment and other related activities at the national level, including for understanding who the stakeholders are and how they should be engaged   x Pilot project(s) through the Platform matchmaking facility
5.2 Develop the capacity for effective communication of why biodiversity and ecosystem services are important and why their many values should be used in decision-making x x
5.3 Develop the capacity to effectively use the Platform’s deliverables in implementing national obligations under biodiversity-related multilateral environmental agreements x x
5.4 Develop the capacity to strengthen different networks of actors, including those of Indigenous and local peoples, for strengthening the sharing of information among different knowledge systems   x