United Nations Development Programme
United Nations Development Programme
Соединенные Штаты Америки
Trialogue for teh countries supported by BES-Net's BES Solution Fund
Capacity-building project/initiative, Conference, Presentation, Workshop
Global Assessment of Biodiversity and Ecosystem Services, Pollination Assessment, Invasive Alien Species Assessment
IPBES Conceptual framework, IPBES Guide for assessments, IPBES Participatory mechanism for working with indigenous and local knowledge systems
To assess the preliminary impact of the actions to adopt the IPBES assessments and national ecosystem assessment in policy, science and practice arenas with the BES Solution Fund support and strengthen the global community of practice.
Policymakers, Practitioners, Scientific community, Stakeholders
Objective 2(b): Facilitated access to expertise and information, Objective 2(c): Strengthened national and regional capacities
Support to the uptake of approved assessments and other deliverables, and encouragement of the development of communities of practice around them
Encouragement of the development of science-policy platforms, networks and assessments for biodiversity and ecosystem services at the national and (sub)regional levels
Камерун, Колумбия, Эфиопия, Казахстан, Кения, Нигерия, Тринидад и Тобаго, Вьетнам