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Regional and Subregional Assessment of Biodiversity and Ecosystem Services for Asia and the Pacific

Regional assessments
Asia-Pacific assessment

IPBES is to perform regular and timely assessments of biodiversity and ecosystem services and their interlinkages at regional and subregional levels under deliverable 2(b) of the first IPBES Work Programme.

Peer review

Within an IPBES assessment there are two external review processes. Firstly, an independent external peer review of the first order draft, by experts with relevant knowledge who are not involved in the assessment. Secondly, an independent external peer review by governments, observers and any interested external expert on the second order draft of the full report and the first draft of the summary for policymakers. 

IPBES Secretariat
UN languages in which the assessment is available

The Asia-Pacific Regional Assessment is a critical evaluation of the state of available knowledge on biodiversity and nature’s contributions to people in the region. It covers the status, trends, and threats to biodiversity and nature’s contributions to people, as well as policy and management response options.

The Assessment Report concludes that the region’s rich biodiversity and valuable nature's contributions to people provide vital support for human well-being and long-term sustainable development. However, rapid economic growth, urbanization and agricultural expansion have come at the expense of biodiversity and habitats. The Assessment Report suggests policy responses such as increasing coordinated forest and protected area management or mainstreaming biodiversity conservation into development plans.
