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Japan Satoyama Satoumi Assessment

Lessons learnt
The use of the conceptual framework developed by the Millennium Ecosystem Assessment was useful for understanding several features of satoyama and satoumi. Firstly, the interlinkage between ecosystem services in satoyama and satoumi landscapes; secondly, the interlinkage between ecosystem services and human well-being; thirdly, the interlinkage between space and time in satoyama and satoumi landscapes, such as where fertiliser used for crop yields in satoyama can lead to the downstream degradation of satoumi due to excessive nutrient run-off.

The assessment was intended to provide input into the Satoyama Initiative, an international effort jointly initiated by the Ministry of the Environment of Japan and the United Nations University’s Institute of Advanced Studies with the aim to promote socio-ecological production landscapes – drawing on lessons learnt from satoyama and satoumi in Japan.

Peer review

A review panel of independent experts reviewed the JSSA.

Sub/region covered
United Nations University Institute for the Advanced Study of Sustainability
Other languages in which the assessment is available.
Japanese (Japan)
UN languages in which the assessment is available

The Japan Satoyama Satoumi Assessment (JSSA) is a study of the interaction between humans and terrestrial-aquatic landscape ecosystems (satoyama) and marine-coastal ecosystems (satoumi) in Japan. It follows and applies the framework of sub-global assessments developed by the Millennium Ecosystem Assessment. It provided credible baselines for a number of key ecosystem services provided by satoyama and satoumi, identified future scenarios, and policy responses to address the decline in ecosystem services.
