Reminder: call for nominations of members of the IPBES Bureau closes soon
Dear IPBES members,
With reference to notification EM/2022/44 I would like to remind you to submit to the secretariat nominations of candidates for the Bureau of the Plenary of the Intergovernmental Science-Policy Platform on Biodiversity and Ecosystem Services (IPBES) by 28 April 2023. Elections for membership of the Bureau will be held during the tenth session of the IPBES Plenary to be held from 28 August to 2 September 2023 in Bonn, Germany.
Nominations should be submitted by national focal points completing the nomination form at including the submission of a curriculum vitae of the nominee.
Further information on the nomination and selection of the officers of the Bureau, as well as their role and required expertise are provided in the rules of procedure for the Plenary of the Platform (as adopted in decision IPBES-1/1 and amended in decision IPBES-2/1, see here), and in the functions, operating principles and institutional arrangements of IPBES as set out in appendix I to the resolution establishing IPBES (UNEP/IPBES.MI/2/9, appendix I, see here).
The term of office of a Bureau member is 3 years with the opportunity for re-election for one consecutive term. Information on the current members of the Bureau is available here. The Plenary, at IPBES 10, may wish to elect members of the Bureau for the period until the end of IPBES 13, tentatively scheduled for 2026. With regard to the election of the Chair, rule 15, paragraph 3 states that the Chair will be rotated among the five United Nations regions every 3 years without the possibility of re-election as Chair.
I thank you for your continued support to IPBES.
Yours sincerely,
Dr Anne Larigauderie | Executive Secretary
Intergovernmental Science-Policy Platform on Biodiversity and Ecosystem Services (IPBES)