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Bureau nominations for IPBES 11

This page only lists nominations that have been submitted by national focal points:

Proposals for candidates, including a curriculum vitae of the proposed candidate, should be submitted by national focal points here: 

Please note that it can take up to 48 hours for nominations to be reviewed and published. 

Bureau member nominations

Latin American and Caribbean States
Nominated by Name Gender Affiliation Curriculum vitae Why is this individual particularly suited for the role? Nomination date
Mexico Mr. Hesiquio Benítez Díaz Male Comisión Nacional para el Conocimiento y Uso de la Biodiversidad (CONABIO) CV_hesiquio_benítez díaz.pdf Mr. Hesiquio Benítez Díaz is a biologist from the Universidad Michoacana de San Nicolás de Hidalgo and LEAD-Fellow from El Colegio de México (Cohort 12).

With more than 30 years of experience in scientific and technical issues on biodiversity and in environmental diplomacy, he has represented the Mexican government in several international forums.

Among his most relevant activities and positions, he has been Coordinator of the First Country Study on Biodiversity of Mexico (1998); Coordinator of the National Biodiversity Strategies of Mexico (2000) and (2016); Coordinator of the preparation of State Biodiversity Studies and Strategies in 27 federal entities of Mexico (2002-2022); Coordinator of the Mexican Strategy for Plant Conservation (2012); Vice President of the CITES Plants Committee (2010-2015); Leader of the Substantive Issues team of the United Nations Conference on Biodiversity, in Cancún (2014-2016) and of the Presidency of the COP13 of the CBD (2017-2018); and for five years he served as Chair of the Scientific, Technical and Technological Advisory Body (SBSTTA) of the United Nations Convention on Biological Diversity (CBD) (2018-2023).

Mr. Benitez currently serves in CONABIO (where he has worked since its foundation in 1992) as Director of Cooperation and Implementation in Biodiversity of CONABIO.

Besides being Mexico’s IPBES National Focal Point, he is Head of the CITES Scientific Authority of Mexico since 2000, Vice President of the IUCN Crocodile Specialist Group for the Mexico region since 2010, President of the Group of Crocodilian Specialists of Mexico (GEC) since 2010, CBD-SBSSTA National Focal Point and GSPC National Focal Point.
Chile Mrs. Paulina Stowhas Female Professional at Protected Areas Department of Natural Resources and Biodiversity Division of Ministry of Environment of Chile CV_paulina_stowhas.pdf Paulina Stowhas has a technical, political and academic profile suitable for the role of IPBES Bureau member. She has participated in different decision-making processes, such as SBSTTA and the COP of the Convention on Biological Diversity, representing the Chilean position in technical matters related to the KMGBF monitoring framework, Invasive Alien Species, Plant Conservation, among others. In addition, Paulina is our representative in the High Ambition Coalition for Nature and People, leading the roadmap to achieve the 30 by 30 target in Chile and collaborating in regional, sub-regional and inter-regional platforms. Therefore, Ms. Stowhas would be a great representative for GRULAC due to her outstanding performance on a variety of issues and her understanding of the processes related to Biodiversity Conservation.

Bureau alternates nominations

Latin American and Caribbean States
Nominated by Name Gender Affiliation Curriculum vitae Why is this individual particularly suited for the role? Nomination date