Thematic assessment of the interlinkages among biodiversity, water, food, and health
At the eleventh session of the IPBES Plenary, held in Windhoek, Namibia, from 10 to 16 December 2024, the IPBES thematic assessment of the interlinkages among biodiversity, water, food, and health (nexus assessment) Summary for Policymakers was approved its chapters were accepted.
The nexus assessment is the result of three years of work by 165 experts from 57 countries and synthesizes information from over 6,500 references . The complete assessment is comprised of the Summary for Policymakers, seven chapters and a glossary. The advance unedited version of the Summary for Policymakers is linked below. The edited versions of the Summary for Policymakers in the six official United Nations languages will be provided as they become available as will English versions of the chapters and glossary.
The nexus assessment scoping document is available here.
The list of nexus assessment experts and management committee members is available here.
Suggested citation for the Summary for Policymakers:
IPBES (2024). Summary for Policymakers of the Thematic Assessment Report on the Interlinkages among Biodiversity, Water, Food and Health of the Intergovernmental Science-Policy Platform on Biodiversity and Ecosystem Services. McElwee, P. D., Harrison, P. A., van Huysen, T. L., Alonso Roldán, V., Barrios, E., Dasgupta, P., DeClerck, F., Harmáčková, Z. V., Hayman, D. T. S., Herrero, M., Kumar, R., Ley, D., Mangalagiu, D., McFarlane, R. A., Paukert, C., Pengue, W. A., Prist, P. R., Ricketts, T. H., Rounsevell, M. D. A., Saito, O., Selomane, O., Seppelt, R., Singh, P. K., Sitas, N., Smith, P., Vause, J., Molua, E. L., Zambrana-Torrelio, C., and Obura, D. (eds.). IPBES secretariat, Bonn, Germany. DOI: