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A principle or an ontology found within societies that differentiate different sections of the society, according to the attachment of these sections to animal or plant tutelar spirits. In other words, totemism defines discontinuities in social order according to each group's attachment to a specific animal or plant spirit that is perceived as having similar features to this section (or clan) and an innerself that also ressembles people in this section (and reciprocally).

Global assessment (1st work programme)

A principle or an ontology found within societies that differentiate different sections of the society, according to the attachment of these sections to animal or plant tutelar spirits. In other words, totemism defines discontinuities in social order according to each group's attachment to a specific animal or plant spirit that is perceived as having similar features to this section (or clan) and an inner-self that also resembles people in this section (and reciprocally).

Sustainable use assessment IPBES, 2019