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socio-ecological system

Alternative name(s): socioecological system/ social-ecological system

Definition Source References

Social-ecological systems are complex adaptive systems in which people and nature are inextricably linked, in which both the social and ecological components exert strong influence over outcomes. The social dimension includes actors, institutions, cultures and economies, including livelihoods. The ecological dimension includes wild species and the ecosystem they inhabit.

Sustainable use assessment

A bio-geo- physical unit and its associated social actors and institutions. Socio-ecological systems are complex and adaptive and are delimited by spatial or functional boundaries surrounding particular ecosystems and their specific context.

Global assessment (1st work programme), Scenarios and models assessment IPBES/3/INF/4

A concept used in a variety of analytical approaches intended to examine the relationship between people and nature as inter-linked, recognizing that humans should be seen as a part of, not apart from, nature, and nature as inter-linked to social systems.

Berkes & Folke, 1998; Ostrom 2009

An ecosystem, the management of this ecosystem by actors and organizations, and the rules, social norms, and conventions underlying this management.

Land degradation and restoration assessment, Africa assessment, Asia-Pacific assessment, Americas assessment, Europe and Central Asia assessment