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The IPBES Fellowship Programme

Become an IPBES fellow! 

Open call! 

There is currently one open call for fellows for the methodological assessment of integrated biodiversity-inclusive spatial planning and ecological connectivity (“spatial planning assessment”). We encourage interested early-career individuals to to fill out their application form by 10 January 2025:

The IPBES Fellowship Programme

The IPBES fellowship programme provides an opportunity for outstanding early-career individuals from all backgrounds and disciplines working on biodiversity and ecosystem services to participate in IPBES assessments. The fellows gain first-hand experience in participating in major multidisciplinary scientific assessments while working with, and being mentored by, leading experts. The programme is an integral part of IPBES work on capacity-building, and aims at developing the capacities of fellows in undertaking assessments, thus creating a pool of experts suited for contributing to future assessments and promoting the work of IPBES in their home countries and institutions.

Benefits of being an IPBES fellow

Fellows selected to take part in the programme will participate in the production of one of the chapters of their assessment, taking part in author and chapter meetings together with the rest of the experts undertaking the assessment. Fellows will also be invited to participate in capacity-building workshops bringing together fellows across all ongoing assessments to share experiences and learn about key cross-cutting and assessment specific topics.

Being an IPBES fellow means being part of a multidisciplinary and multicultural group of outstanding early-career individuals sharing an ambition to contribute to improving the science-policy interface of biodiversity and ecosystem services. Throught the programme, fellows:

  • Get hands-on experience in working in multidisciplinary teams to produce major scientific assessments
  • Work with, learn from and get to know internationally leading experts from all over the world
  • Learn about the interface between science and policy on biodiversity and ecosystem services
  • Receive training and mentoring
  • Connect with other outstanding early-career experts  
  • Expanded their social and professional network
  • Get the opportunity to participate in joint projects and publications

What is the role and responsibility of fellows within an assessment?

  • Fellows are an integral part of the IPBES assessment chapters and they collaborate with the coordinating lead authors (CLAs) and lead authors (LAs) in developing sections or parts of the chapters
  • Fellows receive training to gain in-depth understanding of the IPBES assessment process
  • Fellows will be paired up with a mentor for the assessment period
  • Fellows are expected to participate in the author meetings and training workshops


As part of the programme, fellows are paired up with a senior expert in their assessment that will act as a mentor for the fellow for the duration of their fellowship. There are no limits on the content of the collaboration between mentors and fellows and there are a number of examples of fellows and mentors working together on joint projects, publications and funding applications beyond the scope of their collaboration under the IPBES assessment.

Being a mentor is an excellent opportunity for IPBES experts to get to know, work with and learn from a group of bright early-career scholars from all over the world.  In the words of Eduardo Brondizio, mentor and co-chair of IPBES global assessment on biodiversity and ecosystem services, on being a mentor: "You end up learning far more than you end up contributing, to be honest."

Benefits of hosting an IPBES fellow

The fellowship programme is a great opportunity for organisations to contribute to the work of IPBES. Institutions hosting IPBES fellows directly support the implementation of the IPBES work programme by allowing the fellows to spend up to 15 % of their working time on IPBES. The programme also offers an excellent opportunity for organisations seeking to strengthen the capacities of their early-career experts/researchers on working on international biodiversity assessments and contributing to intergovernmental policy processes.

Institutions and organisations that are interested in supporting the fellowship programme can do so by:  

  • Nominating their outstanding early-career experts/researchers to participate in IPBES as fellows in response to calls made by the secretariat
  • Supporting fellows' participation to meetings and workshops; and
  • Arranging or supporting activities, in collaboration or dialogue with the capacity-building task force, for fellows or alumni

IPBES Fellowship Alumni Network

The first cohort of fellows graduated from the fellowship programme with the approval of the summaries for policy makers of the assessment on land-degradation and restoration and the regional assessments on biodiversity and ecosystem services of Africa, the Americas, The Asia Pacific and Europe and Central Asia in March 2018.

The IPBES Fellowship Alumni are an important resource for IPBES, both as a pool of experts for upcoming assessments, mentors and resource persons for new cohorts of fellows, and as ambassadors for IPBES in their local institutions and countries.

Represented in all UN regions, the IPBES Fellowship Alumni represent a "community of practice" working together to mobilize resources and expertise to develop cross-cultural collaborations and support IPBES's mission, to strengthen knowledge foundations for better policy through science, for the conservation and sustainable use of biodiversity, long-term human well-being and sustainable development.


The fellowship programme is an unpaid scheme in which selected fellows are expected to work pro bono, as all other IPBES experts. Expenses for attending selected meetings will be covered for fellows from developing countries and countries with economies in transition in accordance with UN rules. Fellows from developed countries are expected to cover their own expenses and are encouraged to seek support from their home institutions.

Nomination and selection process

You can read about the process for nomination and selection of IPBES fellows in this document.


List of fellows and alumni

The below table contains the experts information .

Name Role Nominating government/organisation Gender Nationality(ies)
Mr. Gregory Mero Dowo Fellow Tropical Resource Ecology Programme, University of Zimbabwe Male Zimbabwe (le)
Dr. Houda Ghazi Fellow Female Maroc (le)
Ms. Martha Kalemba Fellow Environmental Affairs Department Female Malawi (le)
Mr. Cosmas Dayak Kombat Lambini Fellow Leibniz University of Hannover Male Ghana (le)
Ms. Dimpho Matlhola Fellow Okavango Research Institute, University of Botswana Female Botswana (le)
Ms. Joyce Ojino Fellow International Institute of Industrial Environmental Economics(IIIEE) Female Kenya (le)
Dr. Nadia Sitas Fellow Female Afrique du Sud (l')
María Paula Barral Fellow Instituto Nacional de Tecnología Agropecuaria (INTA) Female Argentine (l')
Espagne (l')
Dr. Rodolfo Jaffe Ribbi Fellow University of São Paulo Male Venezuela (République bolivarienne du)
Brésil (le)
Ms. Juliana Sampaio Farinaci Fellow Earth System Science Center/ Brazilian National Institute for Space Research (CST/INPE) Female Brésil (le)
Ms. Laura Thompson Fellow U.S. Geological Survey, National Climate Change and Wildlife Science Center Female États-Unis d'Amérique (les)
Dr. Mireia Valle Fellow Universidad Laica Eloy Alfaro de Manabí Female Espagne (l')
Dr. Amani Al Assaf Fellow University of Jordan Female Jordanie (la)
Dr. Catherine Febria Fellow University of Canterbury Female Canada (le)
Dr. Sonali Ghosh Fellow Wildlife Institute of India Female Inde (l')
Ms. Felicia Lasmana Fellow Daemeter Consulting Female Indonésie (l')
Dr. Aidin Niamir Fellow Male Iran (République islamique d')
Allemagne (l')
Mr. Yasuo Takahashi Fellow Institute for Global Environmental Strategies (IGES) Male Japon (le)
Ms. Yuanyuan Zhang Fellow Chine (la) Female Chine (la)
Mr. Daniel Itzamna Avila Ortega Fellow Mexico Male Mexique (le)
Dr. Raphael Ayambire Fellow Canada Male Ghana (le)
Dr. Jacob Bedford Fellow UN Environment World Conservation Monitoring Centre (UNEP-WCMC) Male Royaume-Uni de Grande-Bretagne et d'Irlande du Nord (le)
Ms. SHARON CHELANGAT Fellow Kenya Female Kenya (le)
Dr. Niak Sian Koh Fellow Malaysia Malaisie (la)
Dr. Tuija Lankia Fellow Finland Female Finlande (la)
David Nemecek Fellow Third Generation Environmentalism Tchéquie (la)
Mr. Tuan Nguyen Fellow Belgium Male Viet Nam (le)
PRIYA PRIYADARSHINI Fellow Agroecosystem Specialist Group Female Inde (l')
Ms. Klaudia Prodani Fellow University of Twente, The Netherlands Female Albanie (l')
Gabriela Rabeschini Fellow Brazil Brésil (le)
Dr. Fanny Boeraeve Fellow University of Liege Female Belgique (la)
Dr. Luca Coscieme Fellow Trinity College Dublin Male Italie (l')
Dr. Carlos Guerra Fellow Instituto de Ciências Agrárias e Ambientais Mediterrânicas Male Portugal (le)
Ms. Zuzana Harmackova Fellow Female Tchéquie (la)
Ms. Elena Osipova Fellow International Union for Conservation of Nature (IUCN) Female Fédération de Russie (la)
Dr. Rahat Sabyrbekov Fellow American University of Central Asia Male Kirghizistan (le)
Csaba Földesi Fellow Hungary Hongrie (la)
Sakshi Rana Fellow Wildlife Institute of India Inde (l')
Dr. Paz Durán Fellow Chili (le) Female Chili (le)
France (la)
Dr. Ghassen Halouani Fellow Tunisie (la) Male Tunisie (la)
Dr. HyeJin Kim Fellow Group on Earth Observations Biodiversity Observation Network – GEO BON Female République de Corée (la)
Dr. Jan Kuiper Fellow Stockholm University Male Pays-Bas (les)
Dr. Brian Miller Fellow États-Unis d'Amérique (les) Male États-Unis d'Amérique (les)
Ms. Lenke Balint Fellow Birdlife International Female Roumanie (la)
Hongrie (la)
Dr. Md Zeenatul Basher Fellow Michigan State University Male Bangladesh (le)
États-Unis d'Amérique (les)
Ms. Ivis Julieta Chan Fellow Female Belize (le)
Dr. Álvaro Fernández Llamazares Fellow University of Helsinki Male Espagne (l')
Mr. Pedro Jaureguiberry Fellow Inter-American Institute for Global Change Research (IAI) Male Argentine (l')
Dr. Michelle Lim Fellow International Social Science Council (ISSC) Female Australie (l')
Dr. Abigail Lynch Fellow États-Unis d'Amérique (les) Female États-Unis d'Amérique (les)
Dr. Assem Abdelmonem Ahmed Mohamed Fellow Male Égypte (l')
Dr. Tuyeni Mwampamba Fellow République-Unie de Tanzanie (la) Female République-Unie de Tanzanie (la)
Mr. Ignacio Palomo Fellow Basque Centre for Climate Change (BC3) Male Espagne (l')
Mr. Patricio Pliscoff Fellow Chili (le) Male Chili (le)
Dr. Rashad Salimov Fellow Male Azerbaïdjan (l')
Aibek Samakov Fellow Male Kirghizistan (le)
Dr. Odirilwe Selomane Fellow Council for Scientific and Industrial Research (CSIR) South Africa Male Afrique du Sud (l')
Dr. Uttam Babu Shrestha Fellow Global Young Academy Male Népal (le)
Ms. Anna Sidorovich Fellow The Scientific and Practical Centre for Bioresources of the National Academy of Sciences of Belarus Female Bélarus (le)
Dr. Maria Loreto Castillo Fellow Centre for Invasion Biology-Stellenbosch University Female Chili (le)
Dr. Romina Fernandez Fellow Instituto de Ecología Regional, Universidad Nacional de Tucumán Female Argentine (l')
Dr. Bernd Lenzner Fellow University of Vienna Male Allemagne (l')
Dr. Tatsiana Lipinskaya Fellow Scientific and Practical Center for Bioresources of National Academy of Sciences of Belarus Female Bélarus (le)
Ms. Dongang Mangwa Fellow Cameroun (le) Female Cameroun (le)
Cameroun (le)
Dr. Ninad Mungi Fellow Inde (l') Male Inde (l')
Dr. Esra Per Fellow Turquie (la) Female Turquie (la)
Ms. Betty Rono Fellow German Center for Integrative Biodiversity Research (iDiv) Halle-Jena-Leipzig Female Kenya (le)
Ms. Ellen Ryan-Colton Fellow Australie (l') Female Australie (l')
Dr. Hanieh Saeedi Fellow Senckenberg Biodiversity and Climate Research Center Female Iran (République islamique d')
Dr. Joana Vicente Fellow Portugal (le) Female Portugal (le)
Dr. Rafael Xavier Fellow Brésil (le) Male Brésil (le)
Ms. Vanessa Marie Adams Fellow University of Queensland Female États-Unis d'Amérique (les)
Australie (l')
Dr. Sugeng Budiharta Fellow Indonesian Institute Of Sciences Male Indonésie (l')
Mr. Ruishan Chen Fellow Hohai University Male Chine (la)
Ms. Maylis Desrousseaux Fellow Environmental law institute - Lyon 3 University Female France (la)
Ms. Marina Monteiro Fellow Universidade Federal de Goiás Female Brésil (le)
Mr. Bernard Nuoleyeng Baatuuwie Fellow University for Development Studies, Ghana Male Ghana (le)
Mr. Matthew Ross Fellow Duke University Male États-Unis d'Amérique (les)
Ms. Ina Helene Ahlquist Fellow Norway Female Norvège (la)
Dr. Rafaella Canessa Mesías Fellow Chile Female Chili (le)
Ms. Barbora Chmelova Fellow Czechia Female Tchéquie (la)
Dr. Hanna Honchar Fellow Department of Conservation Biology and Social-Ecological Systems Helmholtz Centre for Environmental Research GmbH - UFZ Ukraine (l')
Dr. Paul Kazaba Fellow Democratic Republic of the Congo Male République démocratique du Congo (la)
Ms. Celesté Maré Fellow South Africa Female Afrique du Sud (l')
Mr. Yann Voisin Fellow France Male France (la)
Canada (le)
Dr. Jinyan Yang Fellow Australia Male
Ms. Ana Carolina Dias Fellow V2V Global Partnership, University of Waterloo Female Brésil (le)
Mr. Pradeep Dubey Fellow IUCN CEM Agroecosystem Specilaist Group Male Inde (l')
Helena Duchková Fellow Czechia Tchéquie (la)
Dr. Sebastian Dunnett Fellow British Ecological Society Male Royaume-Uni de Grande-Bretagne et d'Irlande du Nord (le)
Luxembourg (le)
Dr. Martin Jung Fellow International Institute for Applied Systems Analysis (IIASA) Male Allemagne (l')
Allemagne (l')
Dr. Paulina Karim Fellow National Dong Hwa University, Taiwan Female Fédération de Russie (la)
Australie (l')
Dr. Roxanne Suzette Lorilla Fellow National Observatory of Athens Female Grèce (la)
Dr. Mario Machado Fellow Clark University Male États-Unis d'Amérique (les)
Dr. Maysoun Mustafa Fellow Sudan Female Soudan (le)
Dr. Charity Nyelele Fellow Ecosystem Services Partnership (ESP) Female Zimbabwe (le)
Dr. Andrea Pacheco Fellow German Center for Integrative Biodiversity Research (iDiv) Halle-Jena-Leipzig Female Honduras (le)
Ms. Nazifa Rafa Fellow Bangladesh Female Bangladesh (le)
Dr. Rine Reuben Fellow German Center for Integrative Biodiversity Research (iDiv) Halle-Jena-Leipzig Male Nigéria (le)
Dr. Israel Borokini Fellow Nigéria (le) Male Nigéria (le)
États-Unis d'Amérique (les)
Dr. Murali Chatakonda Fellow Inde (l') Male Inde (l')
Dr. Shiva DEVKOTA Fellow Népal (le) Male Népal (le)
Dr. Camila Islas Fellow Brésil (le) Female Brésil (le)
Uruguay (l')
Dr. Vukan Lavadinović Fellow Serbie (la) Male Serbie (la)
Prof. Denise Margaret Matias Fellow Philippines (les) Female Philippines (les)
Dr. Monicah Mbiba Fellow Nelson Mandela University Female Zimbabwe (le)
Prof. Laura Mesa Fellow Colombie (la) Female Colombie (la)
Dr. Penelope Mograbi Fellow Afrique du Sud (l') Female Afrique du Sud (l')
Dr. Zina Skandrani Fellow France (la) Female Tunisie (la)
Allemagne (l')
Håkon B. Stokland Fellow Norvège (la) Male Norvège (la)
Dr. Timothée Fouqueray Fellow France Male France (la)
Dr. Rachel Golden Kroner Fellow United States of America Female États-Unis d'Amérique (les)
Xiaona Guo Fellow China Chine (la)
Adla Kahrić Fellow Bosnia and Herzegovina Bosnie-Herzégovine (la)
Dr. Oleksandr Karasov Fellow Estonia Male Ukraine (l')
Mr. Koji Miwa Fellow Japan Male Japon (le)
Dr. Josheena Naggea Fellow Stanford University Female Maurice
Dr. Fernanda Rojas-Marchini Fellow Pontificia Universidad Catolica de Chile Female Chili (le)
Dr. Asmita Sengupta Fellow Ashoka Trust for Research in Ecology and the Environment (ATREE) Female Inde (l')
Dr. Geraud Canis Tasse Taboue Fellow Laboratory for Biodiversity and Conservation Biology University of Buea Male Cameroun (le)
Dr. Andressa V. Mansur Fellow Center for the Analysis of Social Ecological Landscapes-Indiana University Bloomington Female Brésil (le)
Stephen Woroniecki Fellow Sweden Suède (la)
Royaume-Uni de Grande-Bretagne et d'Irlande du Nord (le)
Mr. Sacha Amaruzaman Fellow Indonésie (l') World Agroforestry Centre (ICRAF) Male Indonésie (l')
Dr. Ariane Amin Fellow Côte d'Ivoire (la) Female Côte d'Ivoire (la)
Dr. Cem İskender AYDIN Fellow Turquie (la) Male Turquie (la)
Dr. Anna Filyushkina Fellow Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences Female Fédération de Russie (la)
Dr. Marcello Hernández-Blanco Fellow Costa Rica (le) Male Costa Rica (le)
Mrs. Natalia Hummel Fellow Brésil (le) Female Brésil (le)
Dr. Pricila Iranah Fellow Maurice Female Maurice
Prof. Ann-Kathrin Koessler Fellow Institute for Environmental Systems Science University Osnabrück Female Allemagne (l')
Dr. Dominic Lenzi Fellow Australie (l') Male Australie (l')
Italie (l')
Bosco Lliso Fellow Espagne (l') Male Espagne (l')
Dr. Lelani Mannetti Fellow Urban Studies Institute Georgia State University Female Namibie (la)
Ms. Ana Monroy Fellow Mexique (le) Female Mexique (le)
Dr. Ranjini Murali Fellow The Snow Leopard Trust Female Inde (l')
Dr. Sara Nelson Fellow Canada (le) Female États-Unis d'Amérique (les)
Dr. Evonne Yiu Fellow United Nations University Institute for the Advanced Study of Sustainability (UNU-IAS) Female Singapour