Duzce University
Duzce University
Turquie (la)
Current Status of Invasive Alien Species (IAS): Trends, Impacts, Drivers, Management and Challenges
Conference, Presentation
Invasive Alien Species Assessment
IPBES Conceptual framework, IPBES Guide for assessments, IPBES Participatory mechanism for working with indigenous and local knowledge systems, IPBES Policy support tools
It was aimed to inform stakeholders about the IPBES, to highlight the main messages by summarizing the current situation of IAS according to the IPBES IAS report, and to importance of using this report as a guide in IAS studies in Türkiye.
Early career experts, Policymakers, Scientific community
Objective 2(a): Enhanced learning and engagement, Objective 2(b): Facilitated access to expertise and information, Objective 2(c): Strengthened national and regional capacities
IPBES fellowship programme, Implementation of the training and familiarization programme, Organization of science-policy dialogues with national focal points
Support to the uptake of approved assessments and other deliverables, and encouragement of the development of communities of practice around them
Encouragement of the development of science-policy platforms, networks and assessments for biodiversity and ecosystem services at the national and (sub)regional levels
Turquie (la)
$ 100