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Date Event type Deliverable Venue
Introductory meeting for experts and fellows of the second global assessment of biodiversity and ecosystem services TBC Assessment Second global assessment online
Meeting to advance the summary for policymakers of the business and biodiversity assessment TBC Task force Business and biodiversity assessment online
24th meetings of the IPBES MEP and Bureau TBC Bureau and MEP Bureau 2023-2026, MEP 2022-2025 Bonn, Germany
(TBC) Workshop to update the guidance for assessment experts on how to present and assess the effectiveness of policy instruments in IPBES assessments TBC Task force Policy support tools and methodologies (2nd work programme - 2) online
Dialogue meeting with new IPBES members and observer States TBC Task force Building capacity (2nd work programme -2) in-person, venue to be confirmed
External review of the monitoring assessment TBC Assessment Monitoring assessment
(TBC) Dialogue meeting with national focal points in the context of the external review of the monitoring assessment TBC Task force Building capacity (2nd work programme -2), Monitoring assessment online
(TBC) Dialogue meeting with stakeholders in the context of the external review of the monitoring assessment TBC Task force Building capacity (2nd work programme -2), Monitoring assessment online
(TBC) Eighth meeting of the capacity-building forum TBC Task force Building capacity (2nd work programme -2) modalities / venue to be confirmed
First author meeting for the spatial planning and connectivity aseessment TBC Assessment Spatial planning assessment modalities / venue to be confirmed
Induction day for the fellows of the spatial planning and connectivity assessment TBC Task force Building capacity (2nd work programme -2) in-person, venue to be confirmed
(TBC) Annual meeting of the task force on Indigenous and local knowledge TBC Task force Indigenous and local knowledge systems (2nd work programme -2) online
(TBC) Dialogue workshop with experts on Indigenous and local knowledge and members of Indigenous Peoples and local communities in the context of developing key Indigenous and local knowledge questions for the spatial planning and connectivity assessment TBC Task force Indigenous and local knowledge systems (2nd work programme -2) in-person, venue to be confirmed
(TBC) Dialogue workshop with experts on Indigenous and local knowledge and members of Indigenous Peoples and local communities in the context of the external review of the monitoring assessment TBC Task force Indigenous and local knowledge systems (2nd work programme -2) in-person, venue to be confirmed
Second author meeting for the monitoring assessment TBC Assessment Monitoring assessment in-person, venue to be confirmed
Second meeting to advance the summary for policymakers of the monitoring assessment TBC Assessment Monitoring assessment in-person, venue to be confirmed
(TBC) Dialogue workshop to promote the use of the Nexus Assessment in policymaking TBC Task force Policy support tools and methodologies (2nd work programme - 2) online
(TBC) Dialogue workshop to promote the use of the Transformative Change Assessment in policymaking TBC Task force Policy support tools and methodologies (2nd work programme - 2) online
Dialogue workshop to support national and (sub)regional science-policy platforms and networks for biodiversity and ecosystem services TBC Task force Building capacity (2nd work programme -2) modalities / venue to be confirmed
First author meeting for the second global assessment TBC Assessment Second global assessment modalities / venue to be confirmed