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IPBES 11 registered participants

This page contains a provisional list of participants who have registered to attend the Plenary of the Intergovernmental Science-Policy Platform on Biodiversity and Ecosystem Services (IPBES 11). The information is provided as entered by website users during the registration process. First names have been shortened for privacy. The page only lists delegates after review of uploaded credentials or nomination letters.

The list is presented in a digital, simplified, and unedited format to make this information available to participants as early as possible. Please help with correcting or reporting any mistakes by either editing your own submissions or by reporting issues related to your respective delegation to [email protected]

An official document containing the final list of participants will be issued at a later date. It will take into account actual participation and additional information received by the secretariat before, during and immediately after the event. 

Displaying 1 - 100 of 897
Government/Organization Full Name Affiliation Head of delegation
Algeria Amb A. DIAF Embassy of Algeria in Namibia Yes
Algeria Ms. L. NAIT KACI Ministere de l'environnement et des énergies renouvelables No
Antigua and Barbuda Mr. R. CAMACHO National Parks Authority Yes
Antigua and Barbuda Ms. A. JARVIS Department of Environment No
Argentina Ms. L. FAZZOLARI Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Trade and Worship Yes
Argentina Dr. C. CAMPOS IADIZA No
Argentina Prof. M. ZACCAGNINI INTA argentina No
Armenia Mr. E. GRIGORYAN Bureau Member No
Australia Mrs. S. MILLS-SMITH Department of Climate Change. Energy, the Environment and Water Yes
Australia Ms. I. FULTON Department of Climate Change, Energy, the Environment and Water No
Australia Ms. E. PECK Australian Government Department of Climate Change, Energy, the Environment and Water No
Australia Mr. J. TAYLOR Australian Government Department of Climate Change, Energy, the Environment and Water No
Austria Mrs. G. OBERMAYR Federal Ministry for Climate Action, Republic of Austria Yes
Austria Mr. S. FELLINGER Universität Wien No
Austria Mr. C. LETTNER University for Continuing Education Krems & University of Vienna No
Austria Ms. C. MURHAMMER Federal Ministry for Climate Action, Environment, Energy, Mobility, Innovation and Technology No
Bangladesh Dr. F. KHANOM Ministry of Environment Forest and Climate Change, Government of the People's Republic of Bangladesh Yes
Belarus Dr. T. LIPINSKAYA Scientific and Practical Center for Bioresources of the National Academy of Sciences of Belarus Yes
Belgium Prof. S. JACOBS Research Institute for Nature and Forest INBO Yes
Belgium Dr. B. RYMEN Belgian Science Policy Office (Belspo) Yes
Belgium Mr. J. DE BRABANDER FOD Volksgezondheid, Veiligheid van de Voedselketen en Leefmilieu No
Belgium Mrs. C. DEBRUYNE Belgium No
Belgium Dr. H. EGGERMONT Belgium No
Belgium Ms. A. HECK Belgian Biodiversity Platform, Research Institute for Nature and Forest (INBO) No
Belgium Dr. H. SEGERS Royal Belgian Institute of Natural Sciences / CBD NFP No
Belgium Ms. E. VAN DE VELDE Government of Flanders No
Benin Dr. A. OROU MATILO TIMOTHEE BIO Ministère du Cadre de Vie et des Transports en charge du Développement Durable Yes
Benin Dr. F. AMAKPE Ministere du Cadre de Vie et des Transports en Charge du Developpement Durable No
Benin Mr. C. NOUMONVI Ministère du Cadre de Vie et des Transports en charge du Développement Durable No
Bhutan Mr. S. DORJI Ugyen Wangchuk Institute for Forest Research and Training (UWIFoRT), DoFPS, Ministry of Energy and Natural Resources. Yes
Bolivia (Plurinational State of) Mr. D. PACHECO BALANZA Vicepresidency of the Plurinational State of Bolivia Yes
Bosnia and Herzegovina Dr. M. CERO Federal Ministry on Environment and Tourism Yes
Bosnia and Herzegovina Prof. H. ČUSTOVIĆ University of Sarajevo No
Bosnia and Herzegovina Ms. A. KAHRIC Federal Ministry of Environment and Tourism No
Botswana Ms. P. JIBAJIBA Department of Environmental Protection Yes
Brazil Mr. L. ANDRADE DE SOUZA Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Brazil. Yes
Bulgaria Dr. H. PRODANOVA National Institute of Geophysics, Geodesy and Geography - Bulgarian Academy of Sciences (NIGGG-BAS) Yes
Burkina Faso Mrs. N. OUATTARA Ministère de l'Environnement, de l'Eau et de l'Assainissement/ Secrétariat Permanent du Conseil National pour le Développement Durable Yes
Burkina Faso Dr. L. BONDÉ Université Joseph KI-ZERBO No
Burkina Faso Mr. O. MOUMOUNI Secrétariat Permanent du Conseil National pour le Développement Durable// Ministère de l'Environnement, de l'Eau et de l'Assainissement No
Burundi Eng. L. NDAYIKEZA Office Burundais pour la Protection de l'Environnement (OBPE) No
Cambodia Dr. S. CHAN Ministry of Environment Yes
Cambodia Ms. V. LY Advisor No
Cameroon Mrs. P. LAMBOU EPSE NGOUANFOUO Administration Yes
Cameroon Mr. F. NTOOH African Heritage and Global Peace Initiaive No
Canada Mr. P. SIMON Environment and Climate Change Canada Yes
Canada Mr. F. AHMADOV Fisheries and Oceans Canada No
Canada Mr. R. BARTEL Indigenous Government No
Canada Ms. M. BATEMAN Congress of Aboriginal Peoples No
Canada Dr. B. CHAKRAVARTY Agriculture and Agri-food Canada No
Canada Ms. P. COMBE Indigenous Government No
Canada Ms. E. GILMORE Environment and Climate Change Canada No
Canada Mr. C. GISIGER Manitoba Métis Federation No
Canada Ms. A. GREENSLADE Métis Nation of Alberta No
Canada Mrs. M. LAURIN-LALONDE Assembly of First Nations No
Canada Mr. J. MCNEELY Congress of Aboriginal Peoples No
Canada Ms. K. MIDDLETON Fisheries and Oceans Canada No
Canada Ms. H. MUNGER Environment and Climate Change Canada No
Canada Ms. A. MUNIER Environment and Climate Change Canada No
Canada Ms. E. MURRAY Environment and Climate Change Canada   No
Canada Ms. K. PONADER Environment and Climate Change Canada No
Canada Dr. S. PRESTON Government of Canada No
Canada Ms. J. PYLYPIW Métis Nation of Alberta No
Canada Ms. C. SPENCE Environment and Climate Change Canada No
Canada Ms. L. SWEET Environment and Climate Change Canada No
Canada Dr. L. VENIER Natural Resources Canada No
Central African Republic Mr. C. MABESSIMO Ministry in charge of the Environment and Sustainable Development Yes
Chad Mr. A. ABAYA ABDRAMANE Ministère de l'Environnement, de la Pêche et du Développement Durable Yes
Chile Mr. O. BETANZO Ministry of Environment Yes
China Mr. Y. ZHANG Ministry of Ecology and Environment Yes
China Ms. Y. HU Nanjing Institute of Environmental Sciences of the Ministry of Ecology and Environment No
China Dr. J. LIU FECO, Ministry of Ecology and Environment No
China Ms. L. LIU nanjing insititute of environmental sciences, MEE China No
China Prof. Y. LIU Nanjing Institute of Environmental Sciences, Ministry of Ecology and Environment No
China Dr. Y. LIU Chinese Research Academy of Environmental Sciences No
China Dr. C. LYU Beijing Forestry University No
China Dr. X. SHEN Institute of Botany, Chinese Academy of Sciences No
China Mr. J. WANG Chinese Research Academy of Environmental Sciences No
China Ms. Q. WANG Foreign Environment Cooperation Center, Ministry of Ecology and Environment of China No
China Ms. Y. WANG Foreign Environmental Cooperation Center, the Ministry of Ecology and Enviornement of China No
China Dr. J. XU Chinese Research Academy of Environmental Sciences No
China Mr. Z. YI Ministry of Ecology and Environment No
China Dr. D. YU Nanjing Institute of Environmental Sciences(NIES), Ministry of Ecology and Environment (MEE) of China No
Colombia Ms. J. CARVAJAL Sinchi Institute No
Colombia Mr. H. GARCÍA Humboldt Institute No
Colombia Mr. C. HERNÁNDEZ Humboldt Institute No
Colombia Dr. N. PINEL EAFIT University No
Comoros Mr. A. HACHIME Ministère de l’Agriculture, de la Pêche et de l'Artisanat No
Comoros Mr. A. MOHAMED ABDEREMANE Ministere de l'Agriculture, de la Pêche et de l'Artisanat. No
Congo Mr. K. BEN MABIALA United Network for Climate Inclusivity Advocacy Livelihoods Inherent Utilization and Mobilization (UNCIALIUM) Yes
Cook Islands Ms. S. WHATARAU National Environment Service Yes
Cook Islands Ms. T. KOTEKA-WIKI National Environment Service No
Côte d'Ivoire Dr. Y. TIE Ministère de l'Environnement, du Développement Durable et de la Transition Ecologique Yes
Côte d'Ivoire Mr. G. GNAMBA Université Félix Houphouët-Boigny No
Côte d'Ivoire Dr. A. KOUAME Ministry of Environment, Sustanaible Development an Ecological Transition No