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Global Dialogue with Indigenous Peoples and Local Communities on the IPBES Global Assessment of Biodiversity and Ecosystem Services

Event type: Assessment
Saturday, 09 December, 2017
Address: Montreal, QC,


The Global Dialogue on ILK in Montreal

Introduction and Background

The Global Dialogue in Montreal aimed to engage leading experts and representatives from indigenous peoples and local communities in the review process for the first order drafts of the IPBES Global Assessment. The dialogue provided a space for indigenous peoples and local community representatives to critically analyze the ways that indigenous and local knowledge have been included in the first drafts of the Global Assessment, to give guidance for improvements, to contribute their own knowledge into the process, and to direct the authors to other important resources. The dialogue was organized in collaboration with the Secretariat of the Convention on Biological Diversity.


Participants included: 24 representatives from indigenous and local communities from all global regions, 6 IPBES authors, 3 IPBES secretariat, 3 CBD secretariat, and 4 observers.


Outcomes include: 

  • detailed information transmitted to dialogue participants, including IPBES authors and the IPBES secretariat, which can better frame issues relating to Indigenous peoples and local communities (IPLCs) and their knowledge in the Global Assessment, and which can also influence future activities with Indigenous Peoples and Local Communities organized by IPBES; and
  • awareness raising about IPBES and the Global Assessment among global indigenous and local community representatives.
  • A detailed report from the meeting will be available to Global Assessment authors.