Dear IPBES members, observers and other interested stakeholders,
Thank you for your registration and willingness to review the draft scoping report on assessing the interlinkages among biodiversity, water, food and health (nexus assessment). Kindly provide your review comments in the REVIEW COMMENTS TEMPLATE.
The draft scoping report will be available at the bottom of this page after you have registered and logged in.
Instructions and guidelines for reviewing the nexus scoping document:
Review comments should be provided in English;
Comments should be provided in a constructive fashion, with a suggestion for a way forward, if possible;
It is mandatory to use the REVIEW COMMENTS TEMPLATE provided above to submit comments; review comments will not be accepted unless properly entered in the REVIEW COMMENTS TEMPLATE;
Please do not modify the template sheet.
This review of the draft scoping report of the nexus assessment will take place from 5 June until 31 July 2020 (8 weeks). All comments must be submitted to Hien Ngo ([email protected]) no later than 31 July 2020 at​ noon (Central European Summer Time).
Please note that this draft scoping report is confidential. One of the conditions to have access and review this draft scoping document, to which you agreed upon registration, is that the drafts cannot be cited, quoted or circulated. Please note that this draft is for your use only. If you have colleagues or know of others who would like to review the draft scoping report, please encourage them to register on the website, but do not forward your copy of the draft scoping report to them.
We thank you in advance for your feedback and participation.
The document will appear below after you register to review it here: