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Online tools for capacity building in Tropical Marine Ecology

Project title Online tools for capacity building in Tropical Marine Ecology
Implementing Institutions Leibniz Center for Tropical Marine Ecology (ZMT), Bremen, Germany

Lembaga Ilmu Pengetahuan Indonesia (LIPI), Jakarta, Indonesia

in collaboration with

The University of the South Pacific (USP), Suva, Fiji
Country(ies) Germany, Indonesia, Fiji
Abstract Tropical coastal ecosystems are highly productive but highly sensitive. To reach Aichi biodiversity targets, knowledge needs to be transferred quickly into capacity building activities on different levels. We plan online-based capacity building tools reflecting local needs and accellerating training efforts. The project will be linked to partnership activities in Indonesia and Fiji and aims to develop a long-term project. The outcome include an online training concept and will be made available for capacity building. The goals link with the majority of IPBES capacity building needs.
Project Description Tropical coastal ecosystems comprise highly productive but also highly sensitive habitats. To reach Aichi biodiversity targets, new findings in basic research, methodology and sustainable use need to be transferred quickly into capacity building activities from university to local community level. Custom-tailored online-based capacity building tools can accellerate training measures on all levels as well as rapid feedback on the outcomes.

Research and Capacity bulding for tropical marine ecosystems are the keystones of ZMT activities and its international partners. The project will set an example in the Indopacific region, reflecting the needs of the large archipelagos Indonesia and Fiji with a wealth of small islands. It will provide open educational resources (OER) on university to community level as well as include specific bi-directional knowledge transfer for local projects. Example Online Training Modules will be linked to partnership activities in Indonesia (scientific diving training, ecosystem assessment) and Fiji (assessment and sustainable use of marine resources), accounting for the availability of local technical resources. The experiences will be used to refine the online training concept and design a multi-disciplinary toolset.

We propose startup funding to develop a long-term project implementing this toolset and make it available for international research education and capacity building.

Since the project provides basic tools to enhance capacity for effective participation in IPBES programmes, it links with the majority of its capacity building needs.

Project Objectives and expected Achievables Project Objectives and achievables, timeframe 1 year

Month 1 – 4

Kick-off: online workshop or webinar

1. Refining local capacity building goals and needs with the partners

2. Specification of technical resources (mobile network, electricity, PC and internet access)

3. Joint concept for support of partnership activities (research training and ecosystem assessment activities) by online tools

Measure:  Concept for online support, agreed by partners

Month 5-12

4. Draft, design and implementation of first online modules

5. Test of modules and refinement of the online concept

6. Development of proposal and sustainable funding scheme for a long-term online capacity building programme, custom-tailored for needs in tropical marine ecology

Close-up of the pilot project and proposal submission

Publication of results

Measures: Set of example online modules, submission of a full proposal

Publication of results

Timeframe 1 year
Geographic Scale Multinational
Seeking Resources for: Project development
Type of Resources/Support needed: Financial