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Building European and Central Asian capacities for IPBES

Project title Building European and Central Asian capacities for IPBES
Implementing Institutions Center for Ecology and Natural Resources - Academician Sulejman Redzic


    Faculty of Science (

    Address: Zmaja od Bosne 33-35, 71 000 Sarajevo

    University of Sarajevo (
Country(ies) Countries of EE and CA region
Abstract A poor participation of the eastern European countries has been noticed in IPBES meetings. This refers both to EE/EU and EE/non EU countries, but reasons are different. The project is to strengthen human capacities in linking science and governments. There is a plan to: support the participation of regional experts at MEP, TF and authors meetings; organizing a workshop to inform the regional scientific community on the process of ECA assessment and to explore a common EE-EU interest for an establishment of new PhD curricula in interdisciplinary environmental studies in EE region.
Project Description The human capacities and financial resources that can link  scientific community and policy processes in EE region still are far from sufficient.  There is no  simple focus to help the growth of capacities. Both short and long term actions are needed.

For long term effects, an different education pattern is the basic. Decades long isolation has resulted in a great number of narrowly specialized cadres, whith low global referentiality. Nationally, their efficiency in nature management is also weak, because of inabilities to perceive social, economic and legal aspects of the biodiversity. The project will explore the interest of European countries in forming an international interdisciplinary  environmental curriculum on the Faculty of Science, University of Sarajevo, that would include other then biological knowledge on biodiversity.

For short term actions, the participation of EE countries in IPBES expert meetings must be addressed. During the First author meeting for ECA assessment, an exceptionally low participation of EE and CA has been noticed. The participation of EE/EU countries is reduced due to financial reasons, but for those outside the EU it is traditionally weak.

Two different actions are required. Firstly, there is a need to inform EE and CA scientific communities  on IPBES, assessment process and its roles in policy making. Therefore,  an informative workshop for EE and CA experts is planned after the second draft of ECA assessment. Secondly, project predicts direct support to the participation of  EE/EU countries in MEP, TF and other expert meetings.
Project Objectives and expected Achievables Project objectives:

•Establishing long term capacities in EE region for the fair science-policy platform. The objective will be measured through the reported interest in forming a new curricula.

•Increasing the participation of experts from EE region in the expert meetings. The objective will be measured through the number of participants from the region.

•Generating new knowledge. The objective will be reached in case of reported interest for forming a new curricula. It can be measured through the success of project proposal, and further through number of research studies on the role of biodiversity in sustainable development.

Expected Achievables:

•A greater participation of representatives from the region of eastern Europe in the reporting of expert opinions related to regional and global assessment of IPBS.

•A higher awareness of the international community of the state and values of the biodiversity of Eastern Europe.

•A higher understanding of the policy process for better connection of western and eastern Europe.

•Networking of experts on biodiversity and ecosystem services in the regions of Eastern Europe and Central Asia

•Better possibilities in exchange of data within the ECA


•December 2015:Establishment of project management plan

•January-March 2016:Identification of interested European parties in new curriculum in EE

•April 2016:Contacts and networking with interested parties

•May 2016:Support to participation of  EE/EU experts at MEP meeting

•June -July 2016:Development of the new curricula project with the interested parties

•September 2016:Supporting experts in participation on the second author’s meeting

•October 2016:Support to participation of  EE/EU experts at MEP meeting

•November - Decembar 2016:First Draft  proposal of new curriculum project

•January 2017:Organization of the workshop for informing on the ECA assessment and new curriculum project

•February-May 2017:Support to experts from the region in participation on global and thematic assessments, Second draft proposal of new curriculum project

•June 2017:Support to participation of  EE/EU experts at MEP meeting

•September 2017:New curiculum project submission

•November 2017:Support to participation of  EE/EU experts at MEP meeting

•December 2017:Preparation of the project report
Timeframe 2 years
Geographic Scale Multinational
Seeking Resources for: Project development
Type of Resources/Support needed: Financial