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Activities implementing the IPBES capacity-building rolling plan

The two tables below set out activities planned and implemented by IPBES and supporting organizations and institutions. Table 1 sets out activities received in the call for contributions to amplify the work on capacity-building (notification EM/2022/15) in the 2021-2023 intersessional period. Table 2 sets out activities planned and implemented by IPBES and supporting organizations and institutions in the intersessional period 2019-2023.

Activities planned and implemented by IPBES and supporting organizations and institutions during the first IPBES work programme is available in this document.

Table 1: Activities received in the call for contributions to amplify the work on capacity-building in the period 2021-2023

Displaying 1 - 30 of 55
Name of organization Website Title of contribution Type of contribution Start year End year Countries Region
German Federal Agency for Nature Conservation (BfN) together with GIZ GmbH and KfW Entwicklungsbank website Workshop for staff of the German Development Cooperation Activity or event (e.g., meeting, workshop, webinar, conference, article, website) 2021 2021 Germany Western European and other States
Institute for Biodiversity – Network (ibn) website Strengthening IPBES by capacity building in the EECCA region (Eastern Europe, Caucasus and Central Asia) Activity or event (e.g., meeting, workshop, webinar, conference, article, website), Learning material (e.g., video, presentation, booklet, article and website), Larger capacity-building projects or initiatives, Support to national or (sub)regional platforms or networks engaging in IPBES, Support to communities of practice engaging in IPBES 2021 2024 Germany Eastern European States
Sol Research Centre website Depth of shallow northern soils with/without biochar amendment on time water pollution intensity by runoff & leaching. Activity or event (e.g., meeting, workshop, webinar, conference, article, website), Learning material (e.g., video, presentation, booklet, article and website), Larger capacity-building projects or initiatives, Support to national or (sub)regional platforms or networks engaging in IPBES, Support to communities of practice engaging in IPBES 2022 2023 Benin, Ghana, Mali African States
Centre Scientifique de Monaco website Event during the Monaco Ocean Week 2023 Activity or event (e.g., meeting, workshop, webinar, conference, article, website) 2023 2023 Monaco Global
Independent Activity to promote Participatory approaches to sustainable Natural Resources Management Support to communities of practice engaging in IPBES 2022 2024 India Global
PAY-W Clinic Article and reviews Activity or event (e.g., meeting, workshop, webinar, conference, article, website), Learning material (e.g., video, presentation, booklet, article and website), Support to communities of practice engaging in IPBES 2022 2025 India Asia-Pacific States
Beeco initiative website Beeco booklet Learning material (e.g., video, presentation, booklet, article and website) 2022 2022 Azerbaijan Global, Eastern European States
International Academy of Science, Health & Ecology / University of São Paulo website Reframing Relationships Between Humans and the Earth: An Ecosystem Approach to Advocacy, Communication, Public Policies, Research and Teaching Programs Activity or event (e.g., meeting, workshop, webinar, conference, article, website), Learning material (e.g., video, presentation, booklet, article and website), Larger capacity-building projects or initiatives 2000 2023 Brazil Global
University of Bejaia Algeria Les mammiferes sauvages d’Algerie Répartition et Biologie de la conservation Learning material (e.g., video, presentation, booklet, article and website), Support to national or (sub)regional platforms or networks engaging in IPBES 2019 2019 Algeria Global
​Living Green Empowerment Organization - NGO website Any one: activity & event & .... Activity or event (e.g., meeting, workshop, webinar, conference, article, website), Learning material (e.g., video, presentation, booklet, article and website), Larger capacity-building projects or initiatives, Support to national or (sub)regional platforms or networks engaging in IPBES, Support to communities of practice engaging in IPBES 2022 2030 Afghanistan, Iran (Islamic Republic of) Global, Asia-Pacific States
Halu Oleo University The phenomenon of epiphyte attachment to the thallus of the economically important macroalga Kappaphycus alvarezii Doty Activity or event (e.g., meeting, workshop, webinar, conference, article, website) 2022 2028 Indonesia Global
Crop Diseases Research Institute (CDRI) website PROJECT PROPOSAL NO. PSF/NSLP P/C NARC(1005) ENTITLED “INVASIVE POTATO PEST CYST NEMATODE (PCN) OR GOLDEN NEMATODE (GLOBODERA SPP.) SURVEILLANCE, MONITORING, MOLECULAR CHARACTERIZATION AND PRELIMINARY MANAGEMENT IN SPECIFIC AGRO-ECOLOGIES OF PAKISTAN. Activity or event (e.g., meeting, workshop, webinar, conference, article, website), Learning material (e.g., video, presentation, booklet, article and website), Larger capacity-building projects or initiatives, Support to national or (sub)regional platforms or networks engaging in IPBES, Support to communities of practice engaging in IPBES 2022 2025 Iran (Islamic Republic of), Russian Federation, Sri Lanka Asia-Pacific States
Ministry of Planning and Development website BES-Net TT (BES-Net Phase II - Implementation of Component I in Trinidad and Tobago) Larger capacity-building projects or initiatives 2021 2023 Trinidad and Tobago Latin American and Caribbean States
Institute for Biodiversity Network e.V. website Strengthening the World Biodiversity Council IPBES by capacity building in the EECCA-Region Activity or event (e.g., meeting, workshop, webinar, conference, article, website), Learning material (e.g., video, presentation, booklet, article and website), Support to national or (sub)regional platforms or networks engaging in IPBES, Support to communities of practice engaging in IPBES 2021 2024 Armenia, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Montenegro, North Macedonia, Uzbekistan Eastern European States
Brazilian Platform on Biodiversity and Ecosystem Services/BPBES website Coastal-Marine Brazilian Assessment on Biodiversity and Ecosystem Services Support to national or (sub)regional platforms or networks engaging in IPBES 2020 2023 Brazil Latin American and Caribbean States
Brazilian Platform on Biodiversity and Ecosystem Services/BPBES website Thematic Report on Agriculture, Biodiversity and Ecosystem Services Larger capacity-building projects or initiatives, Support to national or (sub)regional platforms or networks engaging in IPBES 2021 2024 Brazil Latin American and Caribbean States
Brazilian Platform on Biodiversity and Ecosystem Services/BPBES website Thematic Report on Invasive Alien Species, Biodiversity and Ecosystem Services Larger capacity-building projects or initiatives, Support to national or (sub)regional platforms or networks engaging in IPBES 2021 2023 Brazil Latin American and Caribbean States
sustainable Development and Biological Diversity website Meeting Activity or event (e.g., meeting, workshop, webinar, conference, article, website) 2022 2023 Angola Global
Geo-Tech Consultancy Services website BESG Sustainability Reporting Support to national or (sub)regional platforms or networks engaging in IPBES 2022 2030 Germany Global
National Pingtung University of Science and Technology (NPUST) website To include IPBES (Week 5) as teaching theme in Citizen Participation and Sustainable City course hosted by General Education Center, NPUST Learning material (e.g., video, presentation, booklet, article and website) 2020 2024 Belize, Brunei Darussalam, China, Guatemala, Haiti, India Asia-Pacific States, Latin American and Caribbean States
IPBES Denmark website IPBES teaching material to high schools disseminated Learning material (e.g., video, presentation, booklet, article and website) 2021 2024 Denmark Western European and other States
Green Technology Education Centre website False Creek Climate Crisis Education Centre Larger capacity-building projects or initiatives 2022 2025 Canada Global
ASSICIATION TO SAVE SEA TURTLES IN MOROCCO _ ATOMM website 7th mediterranean conference on marine turtles Activity or event (e.g., meeting, workshop, webinar, conference, article, website) 2022 2022 Algeria, Croatia, Cyprus, Egypt, France, Greece, Israel, Italy, Lebanon, Libya, Malta, Morocco, Spain, Syrian Arab Republic, Tunisia, Türkiye African States
Environmental Protection Information Centre Establishment of Vetiver Grass Nursery and Hedge Rows for control of Eutrophication in Lake Victoria Larger capacity-building projects or initiatives 2018 2021 Kenya, Uganda African States
Universitas Indonesia - Research Center for Climate Change (RCCC UI) website promoting Global Assessment Report on Biodiversity and Ecosystem Service IPBES (2019) series of lectures using an promoting IPBES (2019) report especially in raising the awareness of the importance in valuing and putting into practice Ecosystem Services. My classes post graduate level, were Sustainable Development and Political Ecology. 2018 2023 Indonesia Asia-Pacific States
Red de Cooperación Amazónica REDCAM Polinizadores Meliponas en comunidades locales ribereños Activity or event (e.g., meeting, workshop, webinar, conference, article, website), Support to national or (sub)regional platforms or networks engaging in IPBES 2022 2022 Venezuela (Bolivarian Republic of) Latin American and Caribbean States
Federal Agency for Nature Conservation IPBES Youth Workshop 2022; Capacity Buidling and Stregthening of Engagement of Youth through representatives of Youth networks Activity or event (e.g., meeting, workshop, webinar, conference, article, website) 2022 2022 Germany Global
Centre for Blue Governance / University of Portsmouth website Training Course on Blue Economy valuation toolkit Learning material (e.g., video, presentation, booklet, article and website) 2022 2022 United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland African States
French Foundation for Research on Biodiversity website Webinar for French experts to apply to the nexus and transformative change call for nominations Activity or event (e.g., meeting, workshop, webinar, conference, article, website) 2021 2021 France Western European and other States
French Foundation for Research on Biodiversity IPBES external review workshops Activity or event (e.g., meeting, workshop, webinar, conference, article, website) 2021 2022 France Western European and other States

Table 2: Activities planned and implemented by IPBES and supporting organizations and institutionsin in the period 2019-2021

Displaying 1 - 50 of 195
Strategy 1: Learning and engagement
Initiative Activity Contributor Time Country/ies Region(s)
IPBES training and familiarization programme Biodiversity Information for Development project: New calls for proposals issued in Africa, Caribbean and Pacific in 2019, including support for data use grants. These projects will build on existing relationships between biodiversity data-holding institutions and decision-makers to provide data solutions that respond to a specific policy need. Training materials for application of open-access data to meet priority needs for policy and research. Training materials will be made available to support online workshops throughout 2021. Self-instruction modules for all our training programmes are under development with a timeline for completion in 2021.
BID programme extended for a second phase until Q4 2023.
European Commission Directorate-General for International Cooperation and Development, GBIF, South African National Biodiversity Institute (SANBI) 2019-2021 Global
IPBES training and familiarization programme Biodiversity Information Fund for Asia: sixth call for proposals issued in 2019 to support for projects that enhance knowledge of Asian biodiversity through access to data from biological collections and monitoring programmes in the region. Virtual training workshops and training materials will be made available to projects in 2021.
BIFA sixth phase of the programme until Q3 2023.
GBIF, Ministry of the Environment of Japan 2019-2021 Global
IPBES training and familiarization programme Webinar International Day for Biological Diversity. Brazilian Platform on Biodiversity and Ecosystem Services (BPBES) 2020 Brazil Latin American and Caribbean States
IPBES training and familiarization programme Interview Failure in achieving the Aichi Targets Brazilian Platform on Biodiversity and Ecosystem Services (BPBES) 2020 Brazil Latin American and Caribbean States
IPBES training and familiarization programme Interview Pandemics and Climate Change, and Biodiversity and Ecosystem Services Brazilian Platform on Biodiversity and Ecosystem Services (BPBES) 2020 Brazil Latin American and Caribbean States
IPBES training and familiarization programme Symposia and expert workshop held report published – terrestrial biodiversity IPBES Denmark Office Denmark Western European and other States
IPBES training and familiarization programme Symposia and expert workshop held report under prep. – marine biodiversity IPBES Denmark Office 2019-2021 Denmark Western European and other States
IPBES training and familiarization programme Symposia and expert workshop held report under prep. –biodiversity & economy IPBES Denmark Office 2019-2021 Denmark Western European and other States
IPBES training and familiarization programme Seminar on Biodiversity, Ecosystem Services and IPBES Multiple Values Assessment for Master of Science programme on “Managing Science-Policy Interfaces on Biodiversity and Ecosystem Services for sustainable development in West Africa – SPIBES” of West African Biodiversity & Ecosystem Services (WABES) in support of IPBES.
UFZ experts: Augustin Berghöfer, Johannes Förster, Julian Rode (Expert involved in IPBES Values Assessment)
Helmholtz Centre for Environmental Research (UFZ) 2021 Côte d'Ivoire African States
IPBES training and familiarization programme Workshop for implementing conservation financing research in selected ASEAN Heritage Parks and protected areas ASEAN Centre for Biodiversity 2020 Cambodia, Lao People's Democratic Republic, Malaysia, Philippines, Thailand Asia-Pacific States
IPBES training and familiarization programme The project “Biodiversity Economy in Selected Landscapes in Namibia”
The primary objectives of the Research Project are to carry out research and promote the biodiversity economy in Namibia.
A Ph.D. thesis, multiple master theses and workshops are planned.
For more information, please visit this link:
The first activity is planned by mid/end of 2021
Deutsche Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit (GIZ), Namibia University of Science and Technology Biodiversity Research Center (NUST BRC), The Namibian Ministry of Environment and Tourism (MET), The United Nations University Institute for Integrated Management of Material Fluxes and of Resources (UNU-FLORES) 2021-2023/24 Namibia African States
IPBES training and familiarization programme Lectures in master programmes at Martin-Luther-University Halle-Wittenberg, Germany
UFZ expert: Prof. Dr. Ralf Seppelt (co-chair GA assessment)
2019-2020 Germany Western European and other States
IPBES fellowship programme Fellows' participation in author meetings (second author meetings and of the values, sustainable use and invasive alien species assessments and chapter meetings of the assessments) IPBES task force on capacity-building 2020 Global
IPBES fellowship programme Scenarios and models fellows' participation in the workshops “New Narratives for Nature” and “Modellers’ workshop” IPBES task force on capacity-building 2020-2021 Global
IPBES fellowship programme Fellows' workshop: training workshop to strengthen fellows' capacity to contribute to their respective assessments and strengthen the fellows and alumni network IPBES task force on capacity-building 2021 Global
IPBES fellowship programme Funding UNU-IAS researcher for participation as fellow of the values assessment United Nations University Institute for the Advanced Study of Sustainability (UNU-IAS) 2019-2022 Global
IPBES fellowship programme Funding UNU-IAS researcher for participation as fellow of the values assessment United Nations University Institute for the Advanced Study of Sustainability (UNU-IAS) 2019-2022 Global
IPBES fellowship programme Funding researcher for participation as fellow in the IPBES task force on scenarios and models Ministry of Environment of Chile 2019-2022 Japan Global, Asia-Pacific States
IPBES fellowship programme Funding researcher for participation as fellow in the IPBES task force on scenarios and models Ministry of Environment of Chile 2019-2022 Chile Global, Latin American and Caribbean States
IPBES fellowship programme 1) Offer Global Biodiversity Information Facility guidance and training materials as standard resources for IPBES capacity-building needs;
2) Making training and mentoring activities available for wider application based on IPBES requirements
GBIF 2017-2021 Global
IPBES training and familiarization programme Regional meeting for Eastern European stakeholders in Azerbaijan IPBES Bureau, IPBES communications and stakeholder team, IPBES MEP, IPBES task force on capacity-building, Khazar University 2019 Azerbaijan Eastern European States
IPBES training and familiarization programme Dialogue meeting with national focal points in the context of the review of the scoping reports of the nexus and transformative change assessments IPBES assessment management committees, IPBES Experts, IPBES task force on capacity-building 2020 Global
IPBES training and familiarization programme Dialogue meeting with national focal points in the context of the review of the values assessment IPBES Experts, IPBES task force on capacity-building, IPBES Values management committee 2021 Global
IPBES training and familiarization programme Dialogue meeting with national focal points in the context of the review of the sustainable use assessment IPBES Experts, IPBES sustainable use assessment management committee, IPBES task force on capacity-building 2021 Global
IPBES training and familiarization programme Stakeholder webinar in the context of the review of the draft scoping reports of the nexus and transformative change assessments IPBES assessment management committees, IPBES Experts, IPBES task force on capacity-building 2020 Global
IPBES training and familiarization programme Stakeholder webinar in the context of the review of the second order draft of the chapters and first order draft of the summary for policymakers of the values assessment IPBES Experts, IPBES task force on capacity-building, IPBES Values management committee 2021 Global
IPBES training and familiarization programme Stakeholder webinar in the context of the review of the second order draft of the chapters and first order draft of the summary for policymakers of the sustainable use assessment IPBES Experts, IPBES sustainable use assessment management committee, IPBES task force on capacity-building 2021 Global
IPBES training and familiarization programme 7 webinars presenting the key findings of the IPBES regional assessments and the methodological assessment on scenarios and models; IPBES assessment management committees, IPBES Experts, IPBES task force on capacity-building 2019-2021 Global
IPBES training and familiarization programme Recorded presentations of the scoping reports of the nexus and transformative change assessments, the second order drafts of the chapters and first order drafts of the summaries for policymakers of the values and sustainable use assessments, and the first order draft of assessment of alien invasive species IPBES assessment management committees, IPBES Experts, IPBES task force on capacity-building 2019-2021 Global
IPBES training and familiarization programme 32 training videos on the IPBES data management policy IPBES task force on capacity-building, IPBES task force on knowledge and data 2020-2021 Global
IPBES training and familiarization programme São Paulo School of Advanced Science on Scenarios and Modelling on Biodiversity and Ecosystem Services to Support Human Well-Being Biota Fapesp Program, Brazilian Platform on Biodiversity and Ecosystem Services (BPBES) 2019 Brazil Global
IPBES training and familiarization programme Education material for high school level on biodiversity and ecosystem services IPBES Denmark Office 2021 Denmark Western European and other States
IPBES training and familiarization programme Education and Training of Young professionals on contributions to IPBES assessments, the use and uptake of existing IPBES Assessments, and the management of science-policy interfaces for biodiversity conservation
(yearly contribution)
West African Biodiversity and Ecosystem Services (WABES) 2020-2021 African States
IPBES training and familiarization programme Support for the German Co-Chair of the IPBES´ Global Assessment (GA); Integration of IPBES work processes through assessments; evaluations and elaborations for documentations (SPM booklet) as well as professional publications; constant exchange and alignment by reports; completion of a main report and summary regarding the governments involved in the IPBES process, 2016-2021
The German Research Ministry (BMBF).
FKZ: 16LC1630
Helmholtz Centre for Environmental Research (UFZ) 2019-2021 Germany Western European and other States
IPBES training and familiarization programme Research & Development project „IPBES capacity building for Eastern
Europe and Central Asia”, incl. third workshop of the project in Almaty, Kazakhstan on October 6th - 9th of October 2019; survey on IPBES capacity building needs in Eastern Europe and Central Asia.
In coordination with TSU capacity building and BES-Net regional Trialogues. Supported by the German Federal Agency for Nature Conservation.
(total funding volume indicated)
Institute for Biodiversity Network (IBN) 2017-2020 Asia-Pacific States, Eastern European States
IPBES training and familiarization programme Research & Development project “TEEB Russia II: Biodiversity and Ecosystem Services of terrestrial ecosystems in Russia – informing management principles and international processes”; incl. International Conference on Natural Capital, Ecosystem Services and Biodiversity (19-20. Nov 2019, Moscow) and report: Ecosystem Services of Russia: Prototype National Report. Vol. 2 (
2017-2020. Total funding volume 420,000 USD). Commissioned by the German Federal Agency for Nature Conservation.
Biodiversity Conservation Center Moscow 2019-2021 Russian Federation Eastern European States
IPBES training and familiarization programme BMU International Climate Initiative (IKI) project “Supporting IPBES capacity building in West Africa”
2017-2022. Total fundiing voulme 3 mill. USD
Center for Development Research (ZEF) University of Bonn 2017-2022 African States
IPBES training and familiarization programme Speaking and promoting the work of IPBES
- IPBES VA SPM Consultations with national focal points, Virtual, 11 Feb 2021
- IPBES VA SPM Consultations with ILK,Virtual, 16 Feb 2021
- IPBES VA Chapter Consultations with BIOECON Network, Virtual, 2 Feb 2021.
United Nations University Institute for the Advanced Study of Sustainability (UNU-IAS) 2019-2021 Asia-Pacific States
IPBES training and familiarization programme Speaking and promoting the work of IPBES
- Conference of Biodiversity Achievement and Future Outlook in Taiwan (Virtual), 26 November 2020
- “The Satoyama Initiative, Transformative Change, and Societies in Harmony with Nature”, International Forum for Sustainable Asia and the Pacific”, Japan (Virtual), 12 November 2020.
- “Sustainable Lifestyles for a Green Recovery: COVID-19 and the SDGs”, Japan, 20 October 2020
- The Eighth IPSI Global Conference (IPSI-8) | International Partnership for the Satoyama Initiative, Japan, 2-6 September 2019.
United Nations University Institute for the Advanced Study of Sustainability (UNU-IAS) 2019-2021 Asia-Pacific States
IPBES training and familiarization programme Publications that contribute to provide lessons for IPBES assessments and promote work of IPBES, including:
1. The Satoyama Initiative Thematic Review Volume 5 on “Understanding the multiple values associated with sustainable use in socio-ecological production landscapes and seascapes (SEPLS)” (Dec 2019)
2.The Satoyama Initiative Thematic Review Volume 6 on “Transformative change through the multiple benefits of socio-ecological production landscapes and seascapes (SEPLS)”(ongoing)
United Nations University Institute for the Advanced Study of Sustainability (UNU-IAS) 2019-2021 Japan Asia-Pacific States
IPBES training and familiarization programme Funding UNU-IAS researchers for participation in the values Assessment United Nations University Institute for the Advanced Study of Sustainability (UNU-IAS) 2019-2022 Global
IPBES training and familiarization programme Project (Re)imagining youth visions of nature-futures in the Global South. Engaging with youth networks in southern Africa and Brazil Centre for Complex Systems in Transition Stellenbosch University, Jennifer Ward Oppenheimer Fund, NGO Akarui, Brazil, Norwegian Environment Agency, Resilient Waters, Global Resilience Partnership/Sida, USAID 2021 Brazil, South Africa African States, Latin American and Caribbean States
IPBES training and familiarization programme This project aims to produce multimedia digital learning packages on ‘Nature and Nature’s Contribution to People (NCP)’ for the young audience with an age range from 11-15 years. The learning package will include six learning videos, interactive lessons and interactive activities related to Nature’s contribution to people. The goal of this project is to generate curiosity and interest among young learners in nature and sustainability and provide an immersive and interactive experience to understand and internalize the concepts. Global Institute for Interdisciplinary Studies (GIIS), Norwegian Environment Agency 2021 Bangladesh, India, Nepal Asia-Pacific States
IPBES training and familiarization programme Information event on the IPBES work programme Helmholtz Centre for Environmental Research (UFZ) 2019 Germany Western European and other States
IPBES training and familiarization programme Development of Online Training Modules for the Identification of Key Biodiversity Areas in the ASEAN Region and Globally. Ongoing work. ASEAN Centre for Biodiversity, Critical Ecosystem Partnership Fund, Global Wildlife Conservation 2021 Asia-Pacific States
IPBES training and familiarization programme Webinar on Biodiversity and Preventing Future Pandemics, May 2020 ASEAN Centre for Biodiversity 2020 Asia-Pacific States
IPBES training and familiarization programme Webinar on Making the Case for Protecting at least 30% of the Planet by 2030: The Biodiversity, Climate, and Economics of 30x30, June 2020 ASEAN Centre for Biodiversity, High Ambition Coalition for Nature and People 2020 Asia-Pacific States
IPBES training and familiarization programme Webinar on Transformative Change and Innovations in Biodiversity Conservation, November 2020 ASEAN Centre for Biodiversity 2020 Asia-Pacific States
IPBES training and familiarization programme Conduct of Training Needs Assessment for ASEAN Heritage Parks - Module on Development of Online Training Modalities. Ongoing work. ASEAN Centre for Biodiversity 2021 Asia-Pacific States
IPBES training and familiarization programme Climate Change Science Colloquium Presentation of the IPBES Global Assessment in preparation for UNFCCC COP25, November 2019. Department of Environment, Forestry and Fisheries (DEFF) 2019 South Africa African States