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EU BIONEXT Project Receives 4 Million Euro for Four Years Partly to Work on Knowledge & Science Brokerage for IPBES Assessments and EU Policy

A new large EU project coordinated by the Finnish Environment Institute SYKE The Biodiversity Nexus - Triggering transformative change for sustainability (BIONEXT) is launching this Autumn. The project got a funding of EUR 4.1 million from the EU's research and innovation program Horizon Europe. Duration of the project is four years. Ten partners from eight European countries form the consortium. BIONEXT will develop knowledge, tools, and guidance for mainstreaming biodiversity into policy-making and provide concrete options on how to initiate, accelerate and upscale biodiversity relevant transformative change in society. BIONEXT will involve policy- and decision-makers and allow them to explore the concept of just transformative change. One of the six 'work packages' of the project will be: Knowledge and science brokerage for IPBES assessments and EU policy

Policy support tools and methodologies (2nd work programme), Catalogue of assessments
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