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ILK task force meeting

Event type: Task force
Wednesday, 26 September, 2018 - Friday, 28 September, 2018
Address: Chiang Mai,

The seventh meeting of the IPBES task force on Indigenous and local knowledge was held at UNESCO in Paris, France, from 27-28 September 2018.

Objectives of the meeting were:

1. To give a brief overview of the mandate of the task force on Indigenous and local knowledge, and processes and achievements so far, with a focus on those approved by the Plenary;

2. To examine the different stages of the assessment cycle and post assessment processes, and broader areas of IPBES work, with the aim of:

a) Assessing how Indigenous and local knowledge has been included so far in IPBES assessments and policy support work, and any challenges, particularly in terms of knowledge co‐production and access, modes of knowledge integration, representation/engagements and capacity;
b) Exploring the participatory mechanism: what is working well, what could be improved, where are the gaps? How can broader networks and strategic partners support these efforts?
c) Providing additional methodological guidance for the assessment cycle, which will complement and support the Indigenous and local knowledge approach and specifically will support the three upcoming assessments, by looking at lessons learnt from past assessments;
d) Drafting a methodological guidance on recognizing and addressing Indigenous and local communities for the assessment cycle, including:
- Activities and processes for the participatory mechanism at all stages of the assessment cycle, and where applicable for other areas of IPBES work;
- Recommendations for future directions for the task force on Indigenous and local knowledge and IPBES in the next work programme.
e) Exploring how work on Indigenous and local knowledge can be enhanced across all domains of IPBES, in addition to assessments, by strengthening partnerships with Indigenous peoples and local communities and their networks.

3. To contribute to the next IPBES work programme from an Indigenous and local knowledge perspective, and the future directions and expertise of the Indigenous and local knowledge task force.